Sunday, November 9, 2008

Smile at Me and You've Inspired My Days

Rehearsal 6/11/2008
typical day, i guessed..but lots of inspiring was just a rehearsal. seniors that i know from the internet but never talked to me waved at me..hehe. that was fun. then going up the stage was also fun..i don't know why! Probably because around me people were smiling, so that's why it's so inspiring!

The Big Day 7/11/2008
Sat patiently waiting for my turn to get up of the stage..traditional dances didn't catch my attention. my former class teacher passed me by and gave a very wide smile [the smile looked just like covering his whole small face!] and i also tried my very best to make my smile as wide as possible! now that inspired me! next..**it's all about smiles!** soon, when waiting for my name to be called, i looked at my history teacher which was on the stage..she smiled, and of course i smiled back! 3rd inspiration! when getting down the stairs, another teacher [who i don't really know becase he never taught me before] smiled at me, so i smiled too! passed by two other teachers who said congrats and what i did is just smiled all way long to my seat..and i guess i never stopped smiling that time! that was such a great day..a day of smiles and inspired me a lot! smile at me and you've inspired my days!

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