Sunday, September 26, 2010

With Only 57 Days Left is getting more dramatic. I thought everything was going to be fun - thinking that this path is diverging. However, it's sad to think that some bonds drift away without our realization. Towards the end of school life, I've discovered that I really can't walk this path without camaraderie.

Recently there are some misunderstandings between people around me and I think it involves me as well, although I'm not involved at all in the drama. Honestly, it's sad. When it happens so close to me, now I understand certain songs that say "I want to know but I don't want to ask". Certain confessions do cause a wreckage in a friendship built so long. What a waste. All the funny moments spent now seems meaningless. Well that is what's happening between two of my friends at school. And I feel like I'm dragged into this crap. Hey people, c'mon! I'm innocent!

My 2nd trial exam is coming soon. This is more important right now compared to the trivial matters around me which is none of my business.

Yesterday we had a replacement class. The great part was the basketball game lol. I feel the pain in my muscles right now. What else can I say? The game looked more like a rugby game.

You see, the drama is going on. Will I endure in this situation till the end? Idk. The 10 subjects are of the utmost importance. I don't need dramas. Just act around me, I don't care. Go on.

As usual, nobody is going to understand this post. I purposely made the sentences sound confusing.


WANI said...

i think i get you. its been lingering in every form 5 students' mind. its scary & intriguing at times :/

you'll be sitting for your 2nd trial? i havent even finish my first one! your school is super fast.

all the best btw =)

Fee said...

Yup! all d best to u too ;)