Monday, December 30, 2013


I think I have lost the interest to blog. It might be a seasonal feeling, y'know..the kind of fake assumption you make about yourself. But it's been like two months or so since I felt so weird. Blogging used to be fun and easy. Expressing thoughts and feelings used to be very easy. Whining used to be so natural, so easy.

Now it's getting hard. You have no idea on how often I log in, type a few sentences, erase them, and log out again.

I no longer feel the need to share stories. I've stopped writing on my journal. I'm afraid I have lost some part of me. The only thing that makes me very sure that I still love writing is that I am reading more than I write these days. And I listen to songs more than I play the guitar and compose lyrics. 

I'm certainly not shutting down this blog (it's like killing a five year old toddler..) but I guess I kind of like being this way. 

Now that (I assume) all of my friends have known what had happened to me, I feel so light, I could even float in the clouds. I even said jokingly to my ex-housemate that "Hiding a failure is like hiding a pregnancy. The longer you wait, the bigger it gets. And telling people that you've failed is like coming out of the closet, announcing that you're gay."

I nearly posted that after my emo announcement, but I guess it was too weird to be funny right after you're emo. 

2013 is nearly ending, I don't know whether I'm posting anything again before the new year, but yeah, hey, happy new year to you. I have some new stories like how it's raining heavily 24/7 here, and how I've become some sort of a Katy Perry fan, and how awesome is A Study in Scarlet, but I guess I don't feel so good when I try to blog about these little things like before. Uh.

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