Monday, January 5, 2015

Goodbye 800!

I'm saying goodbye to something that has never been mine.

If you know the story, you know the story. You know..about me studying just to get a cash award. Unfortunately, one subject shattered my dreams to own a keyboard this year. 

I'm not sad or depressed about it though. My dad is not mad. I'm not mad. Everything's good. 

In fact, my sister was amused to see how nonchalant I was when checking my results. I'm pretty much amazed as well. Funny how real life shit makes you tougher than before. Kelly Clarkson ain't lying. What doesn't kill you really makes you stronger lol. There's more to life than exam results, really. I'm glad to live with a lot of things to look forward to in my life.

One of them is to start learning violin. 

My room can't fit a musical instrument as huge as a keyboard anyway. And I have to learn how to drive first before purchasing something as expensive as a keyboard that I don't know how to play at all. And I'm planning to read 52 books this year which means one book per week, so that's going to mean I don't have much time to learn so many new stuffs at once. And I'm also "saving for a new phone that can WhatsApp" (I know...the way I say it, well it makes me sound like an old woman...) so yeah I guess I'm good. Life's good. Everything's good.

O the first month of the year. Everything's always good. Motivation is always high. I recognise this pattern. It's too familiar, it scares me.


Cindy ツ said...

Gambateh! Support dari jauh harap can tahan the ocean and heat and sampai Kuching teehee!

Fee said...

Hahah thanks mak cik. Still hutang Skype date!