Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Guitar and Stuffs

I've been noticing that recently about three of my favourite YouTube fingerstyle guitarists have been endorsed by a guitar company and were given two free acoustic guitars each.

And I've been subscribed to these channels long enough to say that they started small. They're definitely playing wayyy better compared to when they first started uploading videos.

It makes me realise that perhaps my life could've been different if I dedicated more time and effort and taught myself guitar more seriously.

Being in my position now, where life seems to be monotonous since forever, isn't helping much. I often wonder about the paths I never took. Why didn't I follow my heart, why didn't I tell my dad I am 100% sure that playing guitar is my only passion in life. Maybe 95% sure. But I'm sure enough that if I ignore all factors in my life that stopped me from doing it, I'd be a lot happier now.

Among the factors that stopped me are:
1. I've always believed that I am not exceptionally good, and this is very true. I've never put the time and dedication to push myself harder because I always believe that no matter how hard I try, I just can't reach that level because I wasn't born with it.

2. My guitar isn't going to bring me anywhere in life. It's not going to give me enough rice in my plate. That's what they said.

3. It's an unrealistic dream. You're an adult now, and adulthood is all about responsibilities, not about "following your heart."

And I just can't stop envying other people--how they've always seem to get their passions and chances of shining to collide. Why are some human beings created to experience thrill and excitement, while why do some others live boring, monotonous lives? Was it a mere result of bad decisions, or fate--that they never got their chances to do what they want? It intrigues me sometimes, all these weird questions in life. But just like what that Passenger song said, well, I guess that's just the way it is.


Anonymous said...

1. False. Your belief that you are not exceptionally good is the cause. Hence, your body and subsequently performance tend to correlate with what you believe in. I struggle with this issue too but when you actually kick away the thoughts that you can actually be good at it, you can actually do it. The phrase practice makes perfect is not just there for fun, it is true ;) Think of the days when you first began guitaring. Look at you now, you could compose songs :)

2 and 3 are shaped by 1.

“Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.” – Dennis P. Kimbro

"Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact." - William James.

Stay positive :)

Fee said...

It's always a scary thing when I receive an anonymous comment and can't figure out who left it. But hey, thanks for your encouraging words!