Wednesday, July 10, 2024

So the first half of 2024 is gone?

 I'm blogging from my living room in my rented place in Pasir Gudang.

The night is silent, my neighbours kids have stopped screaming and bumping themselves against the walls. My cats are asleep. My Kindle is next to me, the cover of Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch locked on its screen.

This morning I sent my kids for scrabble. They didn't win, but they did well, according to me. 18th place out of 29 isn't too bad, right?

The place is messy now. I just don't have enough willpower to put everything in their places.

Tomorrow I'll have to go to work as usual. 

You'd think that after the previous post where my abdomen was cut open in an operating theatre, I'd sorta change 180 degrees into a pious, life-loving, God-fearing, all positive person.

You're wrong.

It takes just about a few months for me to forget the fragility of life and good health and now I'm back to being a whiner. 

I've weaned off on escitalopram against my doctor's advice, tired of becoming a robot. I feel things now. It's been around a month since the last pill. I mean I cried when I saw an ig post about a dead cat, remembering Kitty. Those tears wouldn't have come if I was still on medication. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is I need that little sadness. That little sadness when I arrive home after work and I watch the sunset and I close my gate and I know I'm not going to have anyone to talk to until the next day. Or next 2-3 days on weekends and long weekends.

I need the sadness when he rejects my invitation to go ngeteh, the sadness that I was always there for him but he can't even return me that favour.

The sadness that what happened in 2022 still bothers me.

The sadness that my life is absolutely lonely but as an adult I will have to professionally mask it until the next counselling appointment.

The sadness that those appointments may not even work anymore and perhaps the counsellor is secretly hating me.

You know, like fuck it why does life has to be like this.

One moment you're so happy you've been invited for a carpool and a trip to Melaka and you sing your heart out at Hard Rock Cafe and the next moment you're sad because they told you the band wasn't that god anyway compared to the last time they went there with their bunch of other friends.

And one moment you just feel like you're sorta accepted but you know one wrong move will eliminate you from that spot and sense of belonging you're beginning to build.

One moment you know perhaps you're not mentally and emotionally fit enough to get into a relationship and start a family, but at the same time you're longing for a family you build on your own.

Why is it that I can't seem to be calm and find peace in the moment, with whatever I currently have--a hugeass home with three bedrooms all by myself. A functioning kitchen with food. Books to keep me entertained. Stuff, chores, hobbies, all that can make me occupied.

But all I choose to do is to focus on what I don't have.

A guy. A relationship. A shoulder to cry on, someone I can lean my head on their shoulder. Someone to comfort me when I'm scared, when I'm sad, when I'm pissed, when I'm bored.

I'm beginning to think I'm running out of time. And some part of me already believes this is what I get for all the wrongs I have done. That I deserve this loneliness. That I deserve everything he's done to me.

I know there's nothing I can do.

I can't force people to love and accept me.

I can't force people to stay and not leave me.

I'm old enough to understand that if it will happen, it will. And if it doesn't, then it doesn't. There's no way to force things I can't control.

Sometimes I forget about that. I'm just too stubborn to accept things as it is. That this isn't cuti akhir 2022 anymore, that the person I knew back then was a different person because he's masking his weaknesses to get to know me. I wish I reacted differently sometimes to certain situations in the past. This would've saved me from so many unnecessary heartbreaks. But who knows, perhaps these heartbreaks were necessary after all.

Character development? 


See you in another post in 2025, if I'm still alive. 

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