Or is it Day 5?
Finally went to somewhere today! :P Church this morning was awesome! Good to see familiar faces again (although I miss the familiar faces in you-know-where too!). Try to guess where did I go after that? Tadaaaa~

I have no idea why did they decorate the stage like that. Hari Raya theme? Maybe.

The answer to my own question. I went to da good ol' Spring! Kuchingites love tHe Spring! (Well, I assume).

I dunno what happened to me. Suddenly snapping random pictures.

Bringing my habit in the land of you-know-where back to my hometown.

Seriously (I think) these 2 cute guys are new stuffs. Never seen them before.

I never noticed this before. You-know-where has taught me to become more observant, I guess.

THE MAIN AGENDA. My old specs (the one that I'm currently wearing) had created much havoc to me. I couldn't see what's written on the whiteboard from my seat in the class. I couldn't recognize my own classmate when I passed her by one night. I even hesitated to help someone because my eyes (or that pair of specs) were fooling me, saying that that's not the person I think I saw. This happened a month ago, I think. It made me feel awful. Isn't it sad when you can't even judge from your eyesight? (Emo again, quick quick change topic!).
Hence I decided to bid farewell to the old specs, the one I've been wearing since Form 4. I think I made a blog entry about that 2 years ago. Based on the picture above (huh?), I think I can open an optic shop now, selling second-hand specs. The cool harry potter-like sunglasses were bought when I was around 5 years old, I think. I'm glad I still kept them! I started wearing specs in Primary 5 and now I can't imagine a minute without my specs. They're my best companion. Sometimes I nap with my specs on (for better vision when I dream, maybe?).
So yeah, enough with the specs story. I'm not even wearing the new one now. Felt dizzy for some reason. I usually take a really long time to adapt myself with new things, including specs :P

Thennnn...I sent my guitar for service since I never did so. Just wanted to know what will they do to the guitar before the service period ends :P Since the guy suggested that I should change the strings, I just agreed. The last time since I changed them was last December - and the last set of strings were damn expensive, I regretted for buying from that other shop last year. LOL. The new set which I changed to just now is as good as the old one, yet far more affordable and reasonable. Overall I'm satisfied by the service provided. Happy with the new strings :)
Bought a new pick too! I love collecting random things, so I decided to add another pick into my collection. It's the orange one in the picture. My favourite one now. Before this I always use the one next to it. The new one is thinner. I'm loving it! Every pick in the picture has it's own story. I bought the first one when I had my first guitar. It's extra thick. Being a noob that time, I never knew it wouldn't like it. The second one is freeeeee (that's why it's PINK, ok..). Got it when I bought my second guitar. Third one is also freeee. Found it when collecting rubbish (prefect's job every morning) in front of the school hall. Since nobody was there, I took it haha! Fourth one burnt a hole in my pocket. RM3. I was still a secondary school student during that time T_T that's why I love it the most.