Thursday, April 25, 2013

On Hiatus

Hello readersss (echoes..)!

I just came back from an awesome three-hour new discovery of Calvin Cycle and other short stories (Yays!) thanks to my very helpful lecturer and it (the whole motivation slash post-mortem slash tutoring session) made me realise that it's time to get serious (not that I never realised..) and I'm not as stupid as I thought I was/am. (Go ahead, laugh).

I've been realising that talking too much and not proving anything is such a crappy thing to do, so I'm posting this stuff today, although honestly I've been thinking about it for so long. 

Will be coming back when I feel like coming back and of course, I'm trying to keep my life as normal as possible during this coming two-month period. Friends, Facebook and basketball are still in the picture. I just want to make this last few months in this place memorable and worth of remembering, that's all.

And of course, I want to fly, and I believe I can fly.

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