Tuesday, October 20, 2015


I was blogging during the whole journey back home by bus from college today. I mean..I was blogging inside my brain, constructing lots of sentences, jumping from one imaginary blog post to another..letting my mind wander a bit. I guess it's because of the coffee. Bus rides are cool because it's probably the only time my mind is filled with inspirations to write song lyrics and blog posts and imaginary dialogues. I mean..this blog post is not really going to mention anything significant but there were some stuffs that I feel like typing here.

Life list
Believe it or not I've only managed to list 75 life goals in my life list or whatever you choose to call it. My target is 101 because that's what most people do. I've been writing down a draft and I really don't want to write down stuffs just for the sake of having a life list, so I'm taking it slowly. Also, while on the bus, I thought of posting up those goals with a little bit of description on my blog soon. Maybe 10 goals per blog post. Cos..I don't know..blog posts are supposed to be silly stuffs that you can laugh about in years to come, I guess. 

Driving with dad
I've been driving to college with my dad for a few days and what I like the most about it is that..I don't know, it's like the only quality time I spend with my dad apart from dinner time. A few days ago we had a conversation about what if he stayed as a teacher and never entered the navy. He recalled about a friend who failed in Form 3 but is now a teacher. This guy, Mr. P, now drives a nice car and his salary is perhaps twice the amount that dad receives. I'm sure that my dad is not regretting about not staying as a teacher, and that is his road not taken. And maybe in 35 years to come I'll look back and tell my kids that sometimes I imagine what would happen if I chose to stay in the medical path. And that is my road not taken. But before I even thought of myself and that perspective, I kinda asked my dad that at the end of the day would he still want to switch his life with his friend's life? At the end of the day, would he want to become Mr. P, or would he be happy that despite the fact that his current job is not the best job in the world, he had the privilege to be in a previous job that allowed him to see the world and live in a four-seasoned country for nearly a decade. And then it hit me that I was probably advising myself. I don't think I'd want to trade my life with someone else's life although they may appear happier than me. 

Bus ride home
And in front of me this afternoon on the bus was a lady born in the year 1967 who was named Chang K.M. and she had boxes of Metoprolol and medications that had lolols at the end of their names. When placing her stuff on her seat, her plastic of wantan mee dropped in front of me and she was struggling to pick it up before I realised that this was actually happening. I then picked it up and she said thank you and that warmed my heart for whatever weird reason. Sometimes I imagine having random meaningful conversations with these kind of people on the bus, but I'm too afraid to initiate any. I mean..I look at these people and wonder that there must be some interesting stories in their lives. You must've been thinking that I actually talked to her but no, I saw her name and IC number when she took out her hospital card while sitting in front of me. Nothing special happened, actually. I'm just mentioning about this lady here because in my life list, one of my goals is to have a meaningful conversation with a complete stranger. But I'm too cautious/afraid to do that. And I understand that initiating something like this is like invading someone's personal space or something, because no one acts friendly on bus rides. So yeah, I'm just being weird because of the coffee, I guess.

That's pretty much it, I guess. It's not that anything special is happening in my life right now, but I'm trying to think of special stuffs each day. I'm kinda thinking of learning to draw with pen and ink because life is kinda boring with nothing new to learn. Of course my course materials don't count because I'm always more diligent when I learn stuffs that are unrelated to college. Hahaha. Oh, how I love adding random hahahas, 


Cindy ツ said...

Love this post! Very interesting :) Keep it going yo!

Fee said...

terima kasih!