Wednesday, June 13, 2018


I haven't been doing this in a long time.

My thoughts are scattered, on Instagram, on Facebook, so many places, so many different places but none of them feels so genuine. None of them feels like what I've always written here and on my personal journal.

When I ended my busriding phase I said I'll never be able to write the same way again, and now, four months later, I think I really knew what I was trying to say back then.

Things have been a bit different in my life now. Chapters have ended, familiar faces are gone, days can be so lonely and nights can feel so long. And one thing has been gone for quite some time. My ability to express my emotions in words.

I've somehow stopped journaling and never allowed myself to sit and do nothing but think about what I'm truly feeling at the moment. I don't know why, but I suspect that I'm scared. Reflection involves vulnerability, and being vulnerable is one thing I learnt to leave behind when I wanted to adult up four months ago.

But I miss that feeling. I miss that feeling of knowing who I am and accepting how I feel. And maybe tonight is the right time to get back to it.

My novel has been out for about almost two months now. When my close friends ask me how I feel about it, I really don't know what to say. It's easy to show how excited I am about it on social media but the truth is it's just another random thing that happened in my life. I'm glad that this time I feel that my work is acknowledged, unlike my songwriting project and blog project and my fingerstyle guitar project, but I'm just glad for that reason.

There's some pressure to push myself to never stop but truth be told I really have stopped writing. I tried to get back and write a story last night but I only managed to write about 300 words. I think I don't have any more stories to tell at the moment.

I really don't know where I'm supposed to go from here. It feels like I'm back to my 17-year-old self, just right after SPM, trying to decide on what shit I want to get involved in in the future. While I'm pretty sure I want to teach until the day I die, I don't know whether I'm employable enough and whether I'll have the luck to get into the profession. 

And then there's more dilemma in terms of money and age or maybe it's just because I'm over-complicating things. I really don't want to go into details but I'm at this stage of life where I think I'm done living with my parents and I want to be able to be responsible for my own life but at the same time I want to stay in this suburban part of Kuching. I really can't imagine myself drifting into some other lonely city in this country (or beyond). 

Maybe I've become too comfortable here. I don't know. But I'm pretty sure I've already figured out what kind of life I want to live until I'm old and grey.

At the same time, I'm not worrying much. Maybe because I've gone through so much shit in the past years I find myself in a rather calm position at the moment. I'm being too calm that sometimes I fear all this peace and serenity might end soon with yet another argument, another kick, another thought of jumping off the bridge. 

I miss Spaceship so terribly but I've come to terms with the fact that I can no longer go back. Right now my crutches is just memories and coffee and there's really nothing much to be done. I haven't been out of the house for days and situations make it quite tempting to go back to my old self, but I'm doing my best to move forward.

Do I miss teaching? I do, but the feeling has somehow faded away. It's easier to move on from that phase compared to the busriding phase. I really loved the teaching phase though. I was so happy and I felt so loved and accepted. At home, things were great because there weren't much time for me to feel sad about anything when I returned home at 7pm. Some teachers were very nice, and kids were always making me feel precious. It was a really great brief chapter.

I don't know why I'm telling all this here. I met some old friends but I didn't know how to talk about what I really feel. I've come to believe that I'll never get comfortable of talking to anyone my real emotions and my real struggles. Maybe I'm getting old. 

I have no plans in the near future. I don't want to plan. And even if I have a plan, I don't think I want to tell it here. The truth is that everything's the same despite the changes. People don't just decide to genuinely love you or hate you for things you do or stuff you achieve. Even if they do, that normally isn't a good thing anyway so I shouldn't be bothered.

I think I've come to an ending here. Writing has become so difficult. There's nothing much to say anyway. Maybe that's why I've been gone. There's really nothing much to say here anymore. 

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