Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Delayed Post...

I went to Sibu on the 1st June, obviously just for fun. (Thanks to my limited skills of putting a grumpy face emoticon here). You don't need to know the story.

This is the market. Wah, nice sentence huh?

And this is called a drum set. A live band came to make a performance, obviously. I think on the 31st May (sorry for my low memory capacity).

The drums and PA system. What's a PA system by the way? (Okay, I googled it).

Taarraaaa...this is the engkerumung, my second favourite musical instrument after guitar. Quite easy to improvise on. Fun too. However solo playing is not that fun. It should be accompanied with the others to make it more fun.

And finally, the Rubiks cubes. Mine with my cousins'.

So, what's all these pics? I thought it was supposed to centre on Gawai, drunk people, ngajat, kids wearing traditional costumes. Gah, sorry for my laziness. Waiting pics to upload is not so fun.

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