Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How Bad is Your Day?

Saw two kittens wrestling each other playfully minutes ago as I stood facing the balcony (is it supposed to be called a balcony?), gulping down ribena while enjoying the sunset in Akasia.

Made me smile..and realise that..

Life is..


But only if you take some time to stop and look around.

Anyway I'm here not to narrate on what happened to the kittens or my bottle of ribena. I just feel like telling something else.

To be honest, I'm glad I was away from any laptops or internet connection (or even 0.facebook via DiGi) etc. this morning, because if I had any of those, I would have posted something stupid, something emo, something so negative.

I'm feeling that I get annoyed pretty easily lately. This morning was not really bad, ah, it was bad, but frankly I didn't want to fall into depression, but I was told to be so, for that person said "You should be worried". What's even more discouraging is when a person questions your existence in a certain place, expressing his/her disbelief that you're in that particular place, while you yourself is still struggling to know your future directions.

Life is funny.

Why did I have to worry just because someone who doesn't even really know me, asked me to do so?

I didn't feel like smiling for the whole morning, but I had to as one of my friends suddenly mentioned "Smell the Rain" out of no where while there was no rain. Ouch. Reality struck me. Who was that person singing and strumming the guitar, asking for people to hold on and put a smile?

Was waiting for the 2pm class to begin when one friend approached me, saying something that woke me up even more. "I had a bad day", she said.

Ah, the irony. This, in turn, made me speak from A-Z about "don't worry, be happy", "relax", "it's going to be okay", "it's not your fault", etc. I was the one previously having a so-called bad day, and in an instant, I was the one uttering encouraging words.

It's funny..because it made me feel better too.'s the thing. When you thought that you had a bad day, someone has an even worse day (In this case mine was worse but I managed to recover pretty fast lol). Secondly, I cannot expect myself to be happy all the time, but what's more important is to not fall into chronic emoness. Number three in the list, it's OK to tell someone you had a bad day, because you never know that that person might be having a worse day than yours, but as that person tries to encourage you, he/she will indirectly be encouraged to look on things the other way round.

..and I guess that's why God asked us to be constantly encouraging one another. We all need it, although we actually know very well of what to do if we face trials. Sometimes we choose  to forget on what's the right thing to do when trouble comes. That's when we need someone to remind us.

So how bad was your day?

Mine turned out pretty well, as I stayed in the library, exploring the books and acting nerdy. Managed to finish (jumped a few pages) of a simplified version of Charles Dicken's  David Copperfield. It was seriously good. One sad thing is that there are so many pretty good books in the library, but so little time to borrow and read all that you want.

Back to the topic, ah, I just can't help myself from smiling. I'm seriously thankful I wasn't on fb/blog/twitter this morning/afternoon!

Till we meet again in another chapter!


Cindy ツ said...


thank you for encouraging me with your blog post! ^_^

rock on for Jesus!

Fee said...

Ah, good to know someone is encouraged! :)