Saturday, May 11, 2013

Exams, Basketball...and Reflections

Describe this month in two words.


Exam. And basketball.

While it's pretty sad to witness the disappearance of calluses on my left fingertips, I've been discovering a new hobby which might as well turn into my new passion. Basketball.

Not that it's so new to me, but before this I always felt obligated to do other stuffs rather than to go out and play. However since I no longer have my guitar with me (last time I held a friend's guitar was more than three weeks ago), I'm finding another way to make myself happy. Come on, I'm tired of being depressed all the time.

In 2011, when I first joined an official basketball match (for INPRO), I couldn't even make a free throw.  (I was just a substitute by the way..) And despite learning how to dribble a basketball at an early age, I only got the chance to meet again with a basketball hoop when I was in Form 5.

Just a few days ago, I discovered that I can shoot the ball into the hoop from the foul line without even having to jump. That was something impossible, months ago. Haha. And when I attempted a three-pointer, I managed to get at least two in. Oh the joy of having to see some progress..

...which applies to studies as well. I no longer see Stats like chicken liver, so hard to chew and swallow. I no longer call myself a loser, and I never will again.

This month is so beautiful in its own way. It's sunny and windy almost everyday. 

No matter where I end up in the future, I have to admit, I cannot erase these last few moments in INTEC from my memories. 


Yix said...

happy to hear that =)
*thumbs up* Go, Fee! ;)

Fee said...

Haha thanks. :) Spirit cannot die! Must stay optimistic wan! :P