Describe this month in two words.
Exam. And basketball.
While it's pretty sad to witness the disappearance of calluses on my left fingertips, I've been discovering a new hobby which might as well turn into my new passion. Basketball.
Not that it's so new to me, but before this I always felt obligated to do other stuffs rather than to go out and play. However since I no longer have my guitar with me (last time I held a friend's guitar was more than three weeks ago), I'm finding another way to make myself happy. Come on, I'm tired of being depressed all the time.
In 2011, when I first joined an official basketball match (for INPRO), I couldn't even make a free throw. (I was just a substitute by the way..) And despite learning how to dribble a basketball at an early age, I only got the chance to meet again with a basketball hoop when I was in Form 5.
Just a few days ago, I discovered that I can shoot the ball into the hoop from the foul line without even having to jump. That was something impossible, months ago. Haha. And when I attempted a three-pointer, I managed to get at least two in. Oh the joy of having to see some progress..
...which applies to studies as well. I no longer see Stats like chicken liver, so hard to chew and swallow. I no longer call myself a loser, and I never will again.
This month is so beautiful in its own way. It's sunny and windy almost everyday.
No matter where I end up in the future, I have to admit, I cannot erase these last few moments in INTEC from my memories.
happy to hear that =)
*thumbs up* Go, Fee! ;)
Haha thanks. :) Spirit cannot die! Must stay optimistic wan! :P
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