Monday, September 19, 2011

Life So Far

I have to admit life's been tough these past few days. 

My laptop died again.
My weekend was miserable.
I have a Bio report to be done and I'm basically wasting my time on other things because I don't have a laptop (what an excuse).
I get jealous when seeing other people have entertainment on their laptops.

I'm in the computer lab, trying to log into fb for a few times already but still fail to do so. I'm not gonna give up yo!

I know there's a reason God kept me alive despite all of these depressing moments (though it might not sound depressing to you). I've been slowly learning to be thankful not just when good things happen. Sometimes we just tend to praise God only when we face good things. When problems arise, we give up. I'm more less like that, but I can see myself walking a path of thankfulness for whatever condition life throws to me. I'm learning to feel OK even when things seem to be not OK. 

I know that day my laptop didn't die immediately because God knew it was an emergency. I really needed the slides. This time I don't really need it. Bio reports can still be done by using the computers in computer labs found everywhere in this place. If situations get worse, I can still borrow from others (this is definitely my last option lol). weekend was a bit miserable at first because I was feeling a bit lonely and I didn't have a laptop to log into fb to just talk to somebody. I was left with two options: sleep or revise. I chose to talk to God. I said I needed just someone to talk to. The next day, help came. It was as easy as that. The following day He also provided me friends, making me realise that hey, my simple request two nights ago was fulfilled. I now I have a reason to start this week with a smile.

I've never been nice to people in my entire life. Seeing how amazing God's love is in this place, it makes me can I pay back what I've received? All these while I keep on receiving and receiving yet still not giving. Well maybe someday I'll know.

Thinking back of last week, I think I've learnt a lot. In fact I think the most valuable lessons so far came from a lot of things that happened after the Raya break. I won't be shocked if one day I think back of all these days and notice how much I've changed.

So yeah, still can't log into fb. Never mind then. I have to start doing my Bio report :)

1 comment:

Tysle said...

I'm just glad that you're growing and that God is teaching you to thank him for all that he has allowed to come our way, especially when it's not seemingly the nicest thing.

God has his ways and his thoughts are always higher than ours. :)

"For I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11