Monday, September 12, 2011

When I Can't Endure in Silence

After a few months being in this place, I can't even answer one simple question - 

Am I an introvert, or an extrovert? 

Had a personality test during English this afternoon. It made me think hard on what kind of person I am actually. The problem is I can be both hyper and quiet. When I laugh too much, I don't feel right after that, especially when I think back on how hyper I was. The problem is when I talk too much, I tend to say something wrong. However, when I don't talk at all, I don't feel right. And I can't approach people first to start a conversation. People have to be friendly to me first, then there comes my insanity following afterward. 

So I guess I'm just something in between.


By the way, it's already 4 days since the 'laptop incidence'. Nothing wrong has happened again since then. It might sound so insignificant to you, but yeah it means a lot to me :)

1 comment:

Tysle said...

You're right! There's no use in looking for a label to paste on yourself. You're created perfect, just the way God wants you to be. :)