Friday, August 31, 2012

Life So Far

Just in case there are some people out there who are wondering where have I been since my last emo, homesick blog post, I think I should do a little bit of updates. Let's start with the standard answer,

I'm fine, thank you.

It's been a funny week which started with another failure, then another the next day, then doubts, then annoyance.

My rebellious cells were about to metastasise, but thanks to my inability to hide any unstable form of emotions, I received the help that I needed.

Sorry my friend, I didn't get to fulfil my promise for two things so far. But I won't stop trying.

Anyone can say whatever they want, but in the end, it all starts inside of me.


In an unrelated issue, IELTS speaking trials was both funny and sad.

Examiner: Tell me about a TV advertisement that you remember the most.
Me: I'm dead. To be honest, I can't remember any. It's been too long since I last watched TV.
Examiner: That's pretty weird for someone living in the new generation.


This week, from a lot of incidents, I learnt that being too honest can really kill you.


Yix said...

you should just talk about the one you did for decision making speech. Anyway, it's over. Practice more with friends, it helps =)

Fee said...

Lol yeah, I forgot to talk abut my instant noodle advertisement! XD