Sunday, September 1, 2013

Dear Brain

Dear brain, what happened to you?

Nowadays I find myself having weird thoughts. Not weird thoughts like dressing in black and starting a stabbing spree. Or imagining flying colourful cats and things similar to that.

It's more like having the thoughts I never really focused on before this.

I sit in the car and see guys in scruffy jeans and faded t-shirts and wonder if they're walking along that grassy area by the street filled with a lot of regrets in their minds, or are they happy enough to be able to live.

I go to the supermarket and see women in their 30s working as cashiers and I wonder how lovely it is to live by doing a job that makes you contented and happy enough.

I sit in church and wonder at that moment, hundreds of kids across the world are being bombed, or die of hunger, or don't even have a roof above their heads.

I wonder how is it really like, to live in the streets in/on cardboard boxes.

I hear my cat meowing, asking for food, and I wonder how does it feel like to be a hungry cat.

I sit in my bedroom, typing this out, listening to the raindrops and watch it subside, and start to wonder that this is perhaps the second time in four or five months I live to see a rainy Sunday morning.

I re-evaluated my thoughts, and only managed to get one good thing out of it. Perhaps life is too short to be filled with regrets. 

And I wonder, perhaps I'm too free, or perhaps my brain is no longer normal like how it used to be..

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