Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Just one day after receiving a phone call from my Ethics lecturer (yes..I thought I needed to point out the fact that she's a she, and she taught me in my second semester, in a combined class, and she remembered me for I-don't-know-why, because she never really ever crossed my mind), I'm in this depths of agony once again despite the clear reminder of not to give up at this early stage.

I mean, man, what kind of human being can wait in silence without having the slightest idea on when a news is going to finally break, and whether that news will be good, or not as imagined. 

I seriously learnt to become patient during the past two years. I mean the waiting kind of patient. Literally, not metaphorically. Like waiting for food, or in a bank, or in a post office, or airport. Waiting for something that you can see is of course a thousand times easier than waiting for an abstract thing, a thing that will determine your future, and you don't even know what's going on in the other side of the story, the side that can't be seen, the side where you actually can't do anything else but wait.

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day.

Or just please don't ever come again in my life.

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