Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Withdrawal Symptoms

Was so tired last night but couldn't sleep. 10 minutes after switching off the lights, I switched them on again and grabbed a book with the hope that it will make me sleepy enough. The book was too literature-ish, so grabbed another book. Read that one until the fifth chapter and decided to switch the lights off again.

Woke up at 7.30am and decided to roll back into my blanket. Woke up two hours later. Having flu for the whole day. It's getting worse. I'm sneezing like crazy now.

My inner soul is jumping around but my body is so sluggish. I have homeworks from last week (I forgot to tell that yesterday I skipped THREE CLASSES booyeah and I'm planning to submit all of my homeworks this Thursday). But I'm so lazy. Part of me misses the excitement and thrill of yesterday. Part of me is reminding myself of my responsibility to start studying for finals because I want to get into the Dean's List and get a free education gahhh because I don't want to be burdened by an education loan for the rest of my adult years. But but...I'm still thinking of yesterday and the good times of driving around the litar. It's like a happy drug had been taken away from me. I really don't get what the hell am I feeling.

I starting to miss everything as if it's a drama series that I've been so attached to. It's like all of the episodes have ended and now I'm left with no new drama series. I feel so empty and sad and lazy and listening to Biffy Clyro sort of amplifies the feeling but soothes it at the same time. I'm being weirdddd agaiiiinnnnn. Aaaaaaa.

I still feeling like jumping and going out or do something other than staying inside my room in front of a sheet of paper filled with unanswered past year questions. I'm also tired of sleeping. What is this feeling? :/


Nia G. said...

Fee! Just as how you managed to get through the driving test, you can do this exam as well! Jia you woo! Study well! Xoxo

Fee said...

Aww nia youre being so sweet againnnn <3 thanks so much :-*