Thursday, January 3, 2013


Third day of 2013. Final semester. Second day since class started.

Feels like going through the same year of SPM, all over again, just that it's only 60 days to trial exams and 123 days left till the first day of the real A-levels.

"Don't stress yourself. When you're stressed, you become depressed. When you become depressed, you'll have a high tendency to commit suicide. Apoptosis.", said my new Biology lecturer. I think I'm starting to love Bio classes.

Motivation is always high during the start of something new, so I'm not going to talk much.

For some reason, despite all the misery and moments of trying to feel the sense of belonging in my own class, I somehow feel that my hope is not over yet. I still have my thick black sweater and my earphones to create my own happy world. I still have songs to keep me calm when the voices in my head says bad things about myself.

"In this life, you don't have to prove nothing to nobody except yourself." - Rudy (1993).

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