Saturday, December 31, 2011


Last Year..

1. In some aspects yeah I think I've improved, in other words I did grow up. Left home and learnt to deal with a lot of things alone, with some help from awesome friends. Physically - gained weight, grew taller, so yeah..

2.'s a huge word. I need more time. Although some good things did make me feel confident sometimes, I don't really think I'm confident in a good way.

3. Yes! :) 

4. Yes! :D

5. No. I really need to improve and get back the old feeling of studying. I need to enjoy studying. Too bad I think this year I'm doing quite bad academically. I need to change. 

6. Ow yeah. I always hated changes, but now I'm looking forward to (good) changes in my life. Didn't feel homesick as I thought I would feel when I first arrived in SA. Faced a lot of challenges, yeah there were tears (and sweat and blood - no kidding) which in the end revealed to me that there are a lot of things to learn when you're far away from home. 

7. Friendly? I guess people became friendly to me first. I don't think I've done my best in socializing with my classmates in M8, I didn't really care, to be honest. Now that's one of the things I would like to change next year. Jing said it's important to have a close bond with classmates, and I have to admit it's very true. I don't know..some people have been very nice in my class , but I'm still looking for a real bond. Maybe I've found it, but didn't care to appreciate it? Friendship is one big thing. I thank God for the awesome friends this year, who've just simply been there for me, and I hope next year I'll be a good friend to them too. 

8. Yes, did read some novels while waiting for my SPM results. After entering college I find myself reading textbooks more than I read newspapers, and weirdly now I don't even know how to read the newspaper anymore. 

9. This year is an awesome guitar-ing year, I have to say. One of the reasons is that I had the chance to play a lot of guitars of different brands and from different owners. This is the first time in my life that I played so many guitars in just a few months, thanks to the awesome guitarists who had given me the chance to abuse their guitars to the max. My fingers were indeed happy to meet Takamine, SX, (two) Santa Cruz, Groovy, Yamaha F-210, J.D. Marvell. Haha. 

10. Learn another language? Ghahaha, learnt how to speak in English (again). Ow yeah.

7/10. Not bad.

no. 3 and no. 4 yet to be fulfilled. 

So yeah, 2011 ain't bad at all! :)

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