Saturday, November 10, 2012

Goodbye 3rd Sem, Hello Home

It's nice to live in a place where there's a fridge in the kitchen.

I arrived home safely after a tiring day, and after sleeping for only three hours last night. Because of the sudden plan to go outing (it was fun!), I had to stay up late to clear off my room (college rules..) so I woke up feeling like a zombie, feeling both dizzy and tired.

And because this time I wasn't alone going to the airport, waiting didn't become such an emo time. I decided to observe people less and reflect on a few things more. Or should I say I was actually dozing off while waiting. Even Facebook became not so fun to go to.

One memorable thing I experienced today is that Mr. Customs Officer detected a pair of scissors inside my guitar bag while scanning it. And I didn't even know it was hidden there. I denied like a thousand times after he failed to find it, so Mr. Boyfriend had to go through the scanner again. I felt like a criminal.

Apparently he was right, there was a pair of scissors hidden in between some sheets of lyrics kept in my file inside the bag. And worst thing is that we found it only after he touched/looked through my not-so-clean bedsheet which I wrapped my guitar with, let's say it's for extra padding. (Obviously no, it's just a tactic to not to get my luggage to be overweight). And I had to take everything out, including my 'diary' which he flipped through (fearing a pair of scissors to be in between the pages?) and a pair of dirty socks I didn't know where to stuff in (but he was to scared to search for it there..muahahaha).

And one funny thing is that the scissors wasn't even mine, it belonged to my junior who was there at that moment. Somehow I accidentally kept the scissors after some CA/CR project we had. So sad. She had to accept the fact that they had to take it away just moments after her reunion with the lost item.

Waiting was cool, I'm perfectly fine with waiting without doing anything. Mastered the art of it after a few semesters in college. Seeing two fellow Kuchingites (names shall not be revealed..) leaving in an earlier flight of course made me feel jelly.

One hour later, it was my turn to board the flight...and due to a few delays, we had to wait for about another half an hour,

So I slept for half the journey, which was one of the most uninteresting flights I've even been in. Babies were crying in synchrony (I'm not lying..they sounded like a contagious choir thingy, one after another, and in the end together..). Boy behind me kept on kicking my seat (couldn't give my legendary deadly glare, because his mum was there..). And as usual there were moments of heart attacks when the plane hit the clouds. 

Fast forward fast forward.

I reached safely (yays..) and Kuching was drizzling. 

Kitty is still fat, but lacking the love she used to receive.

My bedroom is ridiculously neat and tidy (now not anymore..)

There's no worries about being hungry at 2am.

I love my parents even more after exchanging stories. And I laughed like crazy joking around with my third sister who is still my best friend.

I'm sitting on a bed that doesn't squeak. Aahhhh.

And I played my guitar, sang in the bathroom, did everything that I really miss doing.

Looking back on my third semester, yes, it was a hard time. Time passed by so fast. There were times when things went so fun, there were also times when life seemed to be so stressful. Gave up a million times. Got motivated again a million times as well. Failures were and are still there. But I achieved quite a number of things too. Sometimes I felt all alone, but most of the time everyone was still there.

I'm not sure of what's going to happen next semester. Yes, the fear never left me. But I know I have less than two months to mend things before the new semester starts.

To those who had been helping me to continue having hope and directing me back to God, I just want to thank you guys. Seriously. I remember most of the things. Even small matters. I survived my third semester not by my own strength.

This is it, time to remember my promises and try to fulfil them one by one.

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