Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Talent Versus Chance

Have you ever wondered why certain people can achieve something huge at a very young age while you are still trapped doing ordinary things?

I have a cousin who stands 6 feet 2 and a half inches. Thinking about his height, I immediately imagined about basketball. Unfortunately, he doesn't even have a slight interest in playing basketball. With that height, I am pretty sure he can do a slam dunk. However, he gave me a great shock (and also a great laugh) when he said he's interested in golf.

Golf - in my place (or in any other places in the world, I believe) is something too high to reach. It's associated with socialites, and I'm tired of dreaming to become a professional golfer. That unrealistic dream has gone dead and buried when I was 14. The main reason: I didn't have the chance.

Chance plays a pretty significant role in determining one's destiny. Maybe it's just mere fate when people can achieve what the want, or perhaps it was talent which played a bigger role? Or was it luck? It's up to you to decide.

Let's move on to another situation. I have a friend who has long fingers, just perfect for playing guitar. Bad news: she isn't interested at all.

It's funny when we wish for something, and that something is not with us, but with somebody else who doesn't even care they have it. I'm starting to sound ungrateful. Oh no. Forgive me.

Nowadays people tend to send there children to various classes and in the end tell the whole world that their children are talented (I see that a lot in TV). Have you ever wondered, is that talent, or just chance? For me, it's chance. Or should I say luck? Everyone has special talents - and sometimes it's hard to discover what you're truly good at.

I can play guitar, but I'm not great in it. I can write, but there are a lot of people better than me. I play basketball and volleyball, but I never made it to championships. Perhaps I'm just a Jack of all trades, master to none.

Or maybe I haven't got the chance to shine yet.

To sum everything up, talent without chance is nothing. Talent with chance is something.

Now that was a serious post.


b.i.a.l said...

I wish I can send my future children to various classes..hehe..ehem

Anonymous said...

The chances to shine will always come when the time is right. At least, this is what I always believe in.....

Fee said...

bial> too, most probably XD

anon> Now I'm wondering who you are. Really appreciate your comment anyway :) It's good to believe the same.