Tuesday, February 8, 2011

To Thai, or to not Thai

I used to blog a lot about Thai stuffs - from movies to music and artistes and many more movies and eh did I mention cute guys? After finding out that most of my blog visitors were random people who accidentally went here to view those posts, I got a slight chill up the spine. No, I was joking. It's not cool to think that my blog visitors were people who googled about something and found it here. I'd prefer friends coming here once in a while (or friendly stalkers would be great too).

However...when I think about it again, it's a blog after all. I blogged for someone to read. Eh, no. Keeping a blog is cool when you look back and read your old posts, laugh out loud when you notice all those grammatical/spelling errors, reminisce about all those past events you've typed out..

It's been a long time since I wrote about something related to Thai entertainment. Too much of it would make this an entertainment blog instead.

I cannot not write about Thai. I will continue mixing up all of those stuffs in my entries. Here comes the old meeeeee...

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