Friday, October 5, 2012


De-stressing again after speaking test. I don't deserve this time of  "oh-I-have-nothing-to-do", but ah, viewing my albums and realising on how I've not uploaded any of the latest photos since coming back from raya break just makes me feel weird.

I will upload all of them this semester break, since it's almost the end of the semester anyway. Once you've missed one album, it's just not right to start uploading a new one. That's why I didn't upload any at all. It's like piling up a Maths homework. Once you've stopped doing one topic, you won't feel like continuing the next.

This is what I've been up to with a real camera in my hands.

Balance-the-switch game. Housemate's room.
Balance-the-switch game. My room.
Admiring the beauty of the Akasian sky at 7.08am.
Realised that waking up early on a Saturday morning is fun.
Here's an unedited picture of my (almost broken) guitar.
Took pictures of a lot of people, because it's fun especially when they
are not posing for your camera.

September ended.
October came.
There are times when I find myself in the heights of euphoria, but indeed there are also times when I fall back into the depths of agony.

But sometimes, no matter what the doubts are all about, no matter how tough this journey is, it's these kind of photographs that will somehow whisper to you that the people around you are not there for nothing. And you are here not because of nothing as well. 

I still don't get why am I in this place, sometimes. 

Home is just one month away. I pray that even in the struggles, I can still find joy.

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