Sunday, October 28, 2012


I'm running out of titles and I'm starting to use letters and useless expressionsssss.


It's raining. 

...and I like it.

Funny that the raindrops woke me up from my nap just now. Felt like continuing sleeping..but no.

It's been raining almost everyday here. Reminds me of my favourite Thai movie, Seasons Change. I love the rain. Was sitting here yesterday, studying Bio when it rained so heavily like never before. I was questioning myself why am I trapped inside this room studying while my heart is actually so excited, I feel like running outside and start dancing in the rain.

And today all I want to do is sleep.

But alas, life is not about all you want to do.

Sometimes (or most of the time) it's about all you need to do to get what you want to do.

Rainy season switches on my philosophical mood.


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