Wednesday, October 3, 2012


No more Bio tests until finals. Yayyy.

IELTS speaking test on Friday. Yayyyyy.

De-stressing after a test paper is indeed one of the best feelings in college life. Just came back from a relaxing dinner time after a not so relaxing Bio test.

I had high hopes on Bio this time. I wanted to show improvement so that my first improvement won't look as if it was mere luck. But...ahhhh...too bad. I have to admit today's paper was tough. I expected it to be tougher than the previous one, and I was prepared to face it no matter how tough it would turn out to be.

No regrets. I did my best. I studied. I read the textbooks and understood the concepts. I did exercises. I sat on my study table like never before. I enjoyed Kreb's Cycle like dancing at a field on top of a hill with brown leaves falling from a huge tree. I didn't feel the burden in revising for this test. 

That's already a huge accomplishment for me.

If I don't get what I want, it's okay. :) I can do better in my finals, and I believe as long as I continue to do my part, God is always there looking at my effort. :)

Random updates?

I bought a red pair of shoes today muahahahaa. This is sooo not me, but a 10 bucks pair of shoes is not easy to forget, especially when your friend promoted it to you the first moment she saw you early in the morning XD Now there are 3 people in the CA committee with the same shoes but different colours hahahaha. 

Nothing much to update on, but yeah, as usual, I have a lot of random things to say, but not today. Maths is waiting.

See you after the finals.

Just kidding.


Fern said...

Great to hear that studying has been going well for you. still trying to do that myself, haha, and eamonn is not helping matters. XD but yeah, all the best for ielts. =D

Fee said...

Ah, I wrote that when I was hyper. XD
Thanks. Done with speaking, now it's time to get ready for the other three.

P/S: Eamonn is not a real baby, so don't be afraid to abandon him once in a while. XD