Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Fee Reads...(#1)

So I told you I was about to start this reading programme for myself this holiday. I successfully finished a book last night (being able to finish one is rare, trust me) and the book wassssssss....

The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

OK, stop giving me that look. I know what you're thinking of, especially if you too have read the book. And if I tell you I gave it a four out of a five, hahahah, just don't give me that look. I actually like it very much.

A few months ago my classmate warned me to better not read it because it contains too much..too much..well you know what I'm talking about, don't you? Skipping that part (yes I admit my classmate was right), I actually love a lot of things about the book.

First of all I love the way Charlie observes and thinks about stuffs. Then I think I mentioned this before, my preferences on books is heavily determined by my feelings after I finish reading the whole thing, like how you feel that weird awwwww feeling when everything has ended. So far, there are only some books that made me feel that way, and the best was John Grisham's "A Painted House" which I read last semester.

Back to this one, well I have to admit it gave me that feeling too when I was reading it near the ending. So I decided to give it 4/5 stars.

Now I'm having a hard time deciding what to read next. It's either The Catcher in the Rye or Midnight's Children. I'll get back here soon to write Fee Reads...(#2), well, hopefully.


Fern said...

=) I've only read 1.5 out of that top 10 list (0.5 because I haven't finished the bible cover to cover.. XD)... but yeah, maybe you might find here some books which might interest you.

And I absolutely love John Grisham. You should read any and all of his books if you can get your hands on them. Especially the earlier books. The more recent ones have kinda lost the spark a little.. but the earlier books... awesome!!! =D

Fee said...

Lol you're back! Thanks for the link, I'm ashamed to say that only 3 titles are familiar. Borrowed Gilead from Intec library but never finished it. I'm still looking for Mere Christianity..I heard it's good. And yeah, I picked up that John Grisham one because I remembered you saying he's good..haha.

Fern said...

Yeah, I only read Mere Christianity out of that list. Haha. It's a very intellectual look at our faith. I found it a bit tough to read cos' it really requires full concentration to take in what it's trying to say.. and my mind likes to drift so I had to keep re-reading... XD but yeah, it is a good read. =)