Friday, January 23, 2009

Life of a Form 4 Student - the roundout version!

So after a long time I forgot (or most appropriate, I didn't forget - I was just too busy), now I'm back with my blog. HAHA! I'm so happy like crazy!!!!!! Finally I can pour out my feelings throughout the whole past week.
My first expression of becoming a form 4 student: INSANE. Is this is what I'm going to be patient with throughout this year? I can never imagine. First of all my first day of school was not really cool . I just hate about it. Hate everything. My classmates for 3 years, 'partially vanished', no sight of all-in a class called 4 M**** (sensored without any reasons). Yeah, and there were new faces from other classes. I just hate changes - and I'm quite sure that I'll never like changes in my life. What a bad attitude.
Some faces are really terrifying in my class. I mean it. REALLY. And I hope nobody's reading this.XD If you don't get what I mean, ah, just forget about it. What's really the point is-I'm not comfortable (??) staying in this class. (But I won't ask to transfer) Lets just be patient until the last day of school.
Orientation was boring. First week was extremely meaningless. Nothing seems to inspire me. Add maths was a really interesting thing, at first. Now I feel the burden. EST is to hard to grasp. I don't understand a thing. History seems to be just like a normal bedtime story. I can't keep a fact in my mind. Maths is such a pain in the nerves. I get too lazy to complete my homeworks. What's all this? What's happening to me? I just don't get it. Probably my mind turned rusty during the holidays. Maybe it's just normal. Whatever.
And what's lost right now, if you ask me. My self-confidence. Please don't laugh. It's not a joke. I feel bad, and it's getting worse. One thing that's for sure - I won't worry much. It'll make me crazy. I'm sure everything will be ok after this. Without struggle there will be no progress!

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