Thursday, March 17, 2011

Music Review: Seua Yai

Hello blog. First of all, I have to say that this isn't going to be a review which looks like a review because I'm a noob in writing reviews.

I'm a bit surprised to see that this band isn't so well-known compared to any other Thai rock bands. Even searching for their photos is a bit difficult job to do. Oh, OK - wait. The last time they released their album is about 5 years ago. No wonder.

I know I've been very late in discovering about these guys. It all started when I watched 'The Letter', a movie starring Num Attaporn (yeah, the vocalist). I began to listen to some of their songs after discovering about this band. At first, some songs weren't so impressive when I listened to them on YouTube. However, after listening to the mp3 versions, headphones on, WOW they are awesome!

One thing I like about Thai music is their awesomeness in rock/pop rock genre. I'm an avid fan to rock/pop rock music, I love listening to the beat of drums, guitar solos, etc. and I love this band's music. Some songs, like Wat-too Klaai Pleng and Dai Yin Laeo Hai Neuay have really nice guitar solos. They're relaxing and rock-ish at the same time. That's what I love.

Talking about the band's name (เสือใหญ่), it actually means 'Big Tiger'. Not bad to me. One good thing is that they named their band in Thai, it's good coz it shows their identity - compared to a lot of Thai bands out there that have weird english names (decided not to mention LOL). I love their logo too ^^

First album (2005)

Second album (2006)

OK. I don't know what else to write. Message to professional reviewers who found this entry coincidentally: DON'T KILL ME. I've told y'all earlier that I don't know how to write a review.

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