Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Feelings. Do you believe in your feelings? Do you believe that your feelings can change a person's life?

Never underestimate the power of feelings.

Bathed late and thought about this funny little thing called feelings. I think my philosophical mood got activated by the water.

I'm a person who loves to express my feelings. I'm rather hesitant and not so confident in defending my opinions, but this is among the few exceptions. I believe that there's nothing wrong to let others know your feelings. And I believe that most of the time, it is important to let people know what you think about them. 

I describe myself simply as "I feel..that I feel too much", because that's the truth about me. I feel things very easily. I get happy when people make my day, I get sad easily when things seem to be not like it's supposed to be. I like to express to people how I appreciate their actions towards me, because I believe it's something good to do - life is easy, you tend to do the things that you wish people would do to you. So this gives you the basic idea of all of this thing that I'm typing. Fact number 1: you will never know how happy I am when your simple act touches my heart. It doesn't have to be something big. Smiling back to me makes me happy. A pat on the back makes me super happy. I remember a lot of little little things that you might not realise you've done to me. And that's why I tend to have this desire to let people know that I appreciate them as well. However I guess sometimes it's a rather funny thing to do especially when people seem to feel not as much as I do.

Fact number 2: please don't think that I'm weird when I seem to excessively thank people for small stuffs, or when I annoy you with my over-expressing-feeling (or whatever you call it). I try to put myself into situations that I face, most of the time. Because I love it when people say I'm good in something, I really want to say to others the same thing. Because I love it when people describe me with positive adjectives, I want to do the same things to others as well. 

I don't think it's wrong to say what you want to say about someone. If you think he/she made you happy because of something, then say it out.

Here's the thing: I imagine this thing, most of the time.

What if someone was suicidal, but you never knew about it. He/she thought that he/she is never good in anything, he/she doesn't even know who would cry if he/she dies, he/she keeps on wondering about the purpose of living and everyday there seems to be no reason to smile at all.

What will happen if you tell that fellow, "hey, you're very good in _____(insert name of sport/musical instrument/whatever random talent)". Or make that person feel like his/her presence is noticed. Do you think a person would still think of killing oneself? No, I tell you.

Problem with society is that when someone says something out, they call you attention seeker. Everyone tries to act strong, but the truth is, ah just admit it, everyone, every single person on earth needs attention and encouragement from one another. Ugly truth, not everyone will agree with this statement. But don't tell me you don't feel anything when your message is replied, or when your mum and dad say "I love you", or when your friend says you're mighty awesome etc.

We are all attention seekers, face that fact. (But yeah, to be fair let's just say that our level of attention-seeking varies among individuals). (What the heck, from feelings I suddenly focus on attention-seeking. Essay almost out of topic darnit).

You'll never know how you've made a person smile before they go to bed. You'll never know when you've changed a person's heart on how beautiful life is. Sometimes I do wonder if I ever made a change to someone's mood for even once. I don't like the feeling of wondering. Therefore you get this type of me - the one who will tell, or at least give a hint - that yeah, you made me smile before going to bed tonight. But too bad, sometimes it's a very weird thing to do, so most of the time I keep it to myself, with the hope that the people will somehow know that they've made me happy.

Life is short. It's good to let people know that they've made you happy - because it makes them happy  too. I can't imagine dying without even knowing whether I've made someone happy or not. (Purely based on my way of thinking). That's the conclusion.

You don't have to agree with me, seriously ;)
but you can always leave a comment to show that I'm not talking alone like a madman here. (attempt of seeking for attention in an indirect manner, I admit).

Till we meet again.


M said...

don't worry, you're not talking alone there like a madman. there's a stalker here who reads every post that you've updated. lol. (don't take it the wrong way) xD
i love reading your blog. it inspire me a lot more than you know. :) keep on writing..

CiNdY said...

Well said, Fiona. :) For all you know, I agree with your opinions. Nice English by the way. ^_^ Keep rocking on for Jesus with your talents. :) God bless!

Tysle said...

I feel the way you feel too and I think it's really important to make sure the people you love really knows that you love them and that there's nothing wrong about constantly encouraging people or telling them that you love them. I love you! :)

Anonymous said...

And that's just why i keep on coming back here.
It's like you're saying things that i hardly say. haha :D

Fee said...

M> thanks for the encouragement :)

Cindy> Ah Cindy! Thanks dear. GBU too! :) Keep updating ur blog!!

Tricia> Love you too, awesome super nice senior!! XP

Anon> Now which anon is this..same one..or someone else?...haha. Thanks anyway :]

Fern said...

Good stuff, Fiona! Enjoyed reading that. =D

Fee said...

hey thanks Fern! :)