Monday, January 9, 2012

Smell the Rain

9th January 2012, 5pm, Akasia.

Just another song. Some verses don't rhyme. Inspired by the rain. Weird title, I know..but it wasn't intended to copy Yiruma's Kiss the Rain. I believe some verses also sound familiar to other songs I listened to, but I cannot recall which song :P

Anyway, here you go:

(an emo-turned-happy song)

We're far apart, but I believe
When you look outside the window
Gone is your sorrow.

The chirping birds might sound all the same
but I'm among one of them
Telling you that I came.

Enjoy the smell of the rain
The green leaves that are falling down
I'll take away all your pain
and you know, that I'm all around.

Hold on, put a smile
Life's too short, don't be so fragile
Smell the rain
and don't complain.

Sing, dance, feel the wind
Spin around and try to catch the leaves
No one knows 
How exactly fun it feels like

Treasure every single memory
Laugh aloud, join the crowd
Yea, time passes by so quickly
Seasons change, there's no doubt..


Story behind the song

Was alone, came back from college earlier than the others, so yeah. Inspiration came when it suddenly rained and my nose detected the awesome smell of the rain. Admit it. Everyone loves the smell when it's raining. I know it's not the smell of the rain itself, but gah, just simply wrote everything down after the first line appeared into my mind.

It was actually an emo-ish song at first, but turned out that the lyrics of the chorus part became a bit happy-ish, so I changed some emo lines:
  • "We're far apart" was originally "You're far away". Still emo, I know.
  • "I'll be the smell of the rain" was changed to "Enjoy the smell of the rain". Original line was...awkward, because I later said "Smell the rain and don't complain". I think you got what I'm trying to say :P
  • Green leaves don't fall, probably. But I don't want to change it to brown. 
  • Actually the situation of the song was something like this: the persona (cewah..) is emo-ing and the writer is trying to make the persona happy by reminding the persona that the writer is in everything that the persona sees/feels. I was picturing the writer as a dead person actually, at first..and the writer is me.Too emo. Cannot..cannot..
Personally, I like this song. (Perasan lagi..).. :P

© 2012 Fee A. All rights reserved.

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