Thursday, August 1, 2013

Yo August

I'm writing this down tonight just because I want to reread something I've written on the first of August this year, and so that something on the first of August appears on my blog archive as seen on your left hand side.

Well well well. Time really does fly. I'm getting nearer and nearer to the dreadful date, and there's no way I can prolong the inevitable, other than doing things that do not give me any worries at all, such as watching random movies and trying to finish the detective book which is, apparently, so hard to finish.

One of my friends on Facebook keep on updating the countdown to the day, which of course, reminds me that time is passing by so fast, and all these fun of nothingness will end pretty soon.

In a random story, I've gained 5 kg since the last time I weighed myself, which was probably around one and a half year ago.

I'm starting to behave like typical girls who say they're fat even when in reality, they're not so fat. This, in turn, reminds me of my housemate who says I'm just like those girls whenever I complain to her that I'm fat. I don't know. Ever since turning 20, I begin to have a lot of weird thoughts including being in a relationship and all those stuff.

One thing I also realise is that I no longer enjoy watching action movies, one thing which I really liked since I was 12. Nowadays I cringe when seeing punches being exchanged. And I start to have this weird interest in romantic comedy movies. Or just romantic movies. And think about how my first date will be. And how is the personality of my first boyfriend. Like seriously..I think I'm evolving into an unknown pokemon woman.

Anyway, I told you this is not going to be a good entry at all coz it's just one of those days when I feel like updating something random and silly, so yeah, see you soon in a better blog update.

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