Friday, August 30, 2013


I went to McD this afternoon. For the second time after the life-changing day.

The first time I went, I ordered a sundae cone. I thought it would make me happy.

I didn't even eat my Big Mac, not until the next day.

Just now, yeah, I finished eating everything. But I struggled to do so. The feeling was weird.

Many months ago, my McD moments were equated with my lazy Saturday noons. My days of avoiding fried rice. Days when I simply wanted to make myself happy.

The Big Mac reminded me of my housemate Queen, and the joke we had about never ordering a Big Mac when going for a date, because it's hard to finish up in a neat and proper manner.

The strawberry-flavoured sundae reminded me of Suan and her funny remarks on how the colour resembles something I'm not supposed to type out here. (Teehee!)

The chocolate-flavoured sundae reminded me of Yi Xue and Fern who treated me with it when I was so down. I had a sore throat the next day.

The McFlurry reminded me of Cindy who told us it's her best cure for sadness. I found her statement to be very true.

The Sundae cone reminded me of Sharon, who rejoices on the fact that it's RM1.05, yet it's like the best comfort food for a college student. 

And it also reminded me of Suan and Marc, the day we went to a McD Drive-Thru in Shah Alam during study leave, and I had the tallest sundae cone I ever had in my entire life, sitting in the backseat, enjoying the fact that Marc changes the radio station almost every quarter-minute.

The breakfast sets will forever remind me of all three of my housemates in A8/202, because of our tradition of ending each semester with a 'final breakfast outing' together at McD.

Of course, those were not all the memories I had there. Birthdays, having meals in large groups, buying a happy meal just to get the toy, watching the random tv shows on tv, taking massive amount of packets of creamer to bring back to my hostel room, noticing friends dating at the opposite KFC, using the wifi just to upload pictures on facebook after A-Levels, well, those things became less and less significant when less friends were part of the memory.

I left Section 18 months ago. And many are leaving this country soon. It's hard to think of sometimes, knowing that I'll be stuck here for another few years, or perhaps till the end of my life. But I know it's all these memories which had shaped me for who I am today, and sustained me through the days I never thought could come. But till I meet again with these people (and those whom I didn't mention, OF COURSE I LOVE YOU TOOOO, just that I can't associate everyone with my McMemories), I guess I just have to move forward with my life, and continue making new friends, which is, to me, such a pain in the nerves because ironically, I hate making new friends.

McD should make an essay-writing competition about McMemories. I'd probably get the first place. :P

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