It's been a few months since I left my life as a secondary school student. The part I hate most is the boredom because my social life is half dead without school. I don't go out to watch movies with friends, I've never been in a car which is driven by any of my friends, I never went shopping with anyone besides my family. Call me a lifeless nerd. I don't care. I do have a life anyway.
Back to the topic. I used to think that half of these 34 kids were strangers of my life, suddenly appearing to be my classmates when Form 4 life started. If you read my previous posts and my school journal, you'll realise how much I hated my Form 4 days. I didn't adapt to the changes well, I missed my old classmates since Form 1 to Form 3. Little did I know that these 34 kids are the ones that I'm going to appreciate most when my schooldays end.
Entering Form 5, I started to love my classmates. That made me forget about my old classmates and I came out with a new theory. Your Form 4 and Form 5 classmates will be your friends for life. No matter how much you'll forget about your school life, you will always remember your final year classmates.
Especially when there are rivalry between classes >:-)
In case I forget about them someday, I've decided to write about them today.
Aaron - Sometimes I think he's not the same age as me. I mean in some aspects of life, he's older (like how he drives). He's a bit crazy, sometimes annoying to some teachers, but he's OK to me. He makes the class laugh a lot so that's one great thing to think about him.
Arbut - The most lovable guy in the class. Everyone in the school, including teachers, love him. I don't know the secret to his success. I'll never forget him because I bought a second hand Harry Potter novel from him.
Aldrin - Honestly if there was no Facebook, I would never have the chance to communicate with this guy. A nice guy, but I never talked a lot with him.
Alex - A quiet guy, but in same same time friendly. He just doesn't talk too much.
Alice - I know she loves Kpop a lot. Seldom talked to her, but yeah she's a nice girl.
Angela - I will never forget this girl, the one I still text with ever after SPM. She's the closest to me during my Form 5 days besides Dila n Eppy. She's loud at times, guys love her because she's cute and she loves Physics because to her, it's just common sense.
Avy - The most genius student in my class. Despite being a consistent top-scorer, she blends well with everyone in the class. Proof:

Pick Yee - Class captain! Very queit person, but yea she's of course a nice girl.
Jun Li - My classmate since Form 1. The friendliest person you'll ever meet!
Su Hui - A really sweet girl. What more can I say? :)
Ai Ley - She loves anime. That's all I know about her. Ahaha.
Cynthia - The next genius after Avy. Super great in Add Maths.
Dila - The closest to me (of course, because she sat next to me in the class). Also closest to me besides Ann and Eppy. I love her because she's very nice to me even though we seem to have a lot of differences. She's also my main victim when it comes to storytelling. Most of the time she listens to whatever story I share although I know most of them are boring. One of the persons who I appreciate most during my schooldays.
Eppy - The prettiest in the class, or should I say the prettiest person in the entire school? I love it when she gets crazy (especially during assembly, after we retired from becoming prefects). We joke a lot, and I have to say I have a lot of nice school memories with this person.
Gab - He loves pretty girls. He plays the guitar far better than me even though he started learning when we were in Form 4. I still see him when I go to church LOL. Most of the pics of our From 5 days comes from his camera.
Gareth - I LOVE HIS GUITAR SKILLS! A very nice person.
Harvie - The only person who became my classmate for the longest period of time, which is since Primary 5. Harvie is a super awesome guy friend. I will always remember him as my Chemistry table-mate!
Helen - A very nice girl. She doesn't like taking pictures. Sometimes funny in class. Likes teasing people in a friendly way :D
Hycellema - Quiet, but once you listen to her (especially during ujian lisan) wow you will fall from your chair.
Jessie - Doesn't talk much, but when she talks you'll know she's friendly.
Lan Yien - Wowowow..super duper hardworking and studious girl. After the trial exams before SPM, we didn't even see her because she was on a study leave. And we were still goofing around while trying to grasp Add Maths :P
Su Nyuk - Very quiet person but yeah once you listen to her speaking English you will fall from your seat.
Lenny - I hate hated him. Sometimes I hate him, sometimes I like him. He's not that evil, it's just that errr haha. I still remember when my other classmates boo to him, I'm the type of person who would generously add my voice too haha. Don't want to elaborate more, later he'll kill me :D
Leslie - A silent joker I call him. I almost forgot about this, but here's what I found in my journal: "My favourite is when Leslie can throw out a pen by using his knuckles. This dude is cool!" Towards the day when SPM was getting closer, he always asked me Add Maths questions even though he knew how bad I was in Add Maths :P
Jin Cheng - The dude with the melodious voice. His charming looks is also something easy to be remembered :P
Kah Chun - The only boy in the top 10. Extremely smart in Add Maths. Owns a smart look. I always say he looks like the Minister of Health and also our Add Maths teacher.
Marc - I talk to him sometimes, but never really had a chat with him. Good boy category :D
Mav - The mamat jiwang rock. Inseparable twin to Azzuan. Owns a red kapok which became my victim some time ago. I did post something about that incident not long ago. I talk to this guy a lot. Well, not too lot but not seldom too.
Azzuan - The newcomer. The smiling ladykiller. He actually has this unique, natural sweet smile. Everyone agrees with this statement. Inseparable twin to Mav. Proof:

Shikin - A very nice person. She's the tallest girl in the class. She doesn't talk much, but yea she's friendly.
Shue - Hardworking in studies, sometimes crazy in the class :D
Yik Yee - Friendly girl, also very hardworking in studies.
Ghee Seng - When it comes to being a leader, this dude is always one of them. Teachers love him. A lot.
Viviana - She always asked me my secrets in studying as if I'm one genius student :D A nice person, but rather quiet in class. I talk to her at times, especially when waiting for the BM club meeting to start.
Phew~ I took more that an hour to type these out. Really had to choose the correct words and phrases to use, afraid that these people will kill me after reading this. Whatever. None of my classmates blog HAHA.
And now...presenting the picture of the day:

Hope these people remember me as a crazy, loud, awesome classmate. Just kidding. It would be enough remembering me as a nice person. Itu pun if I was really nice to you. LOL.