Tuesday, October 4, 2016

#21 Goodbye, Tuesday Routine

I went through my Tuesday routine for the final time today. Received my new timetable and new things will be starting this Thursday. I will no longer be seeing my friend the Mak Cik Neighbour at the bus stop, because there's no more reason for me to hop on the 9am bus anymore. This also means I have to say goodbye to the Detached Driver and the Constantly Grinning Driver. I'll miss these familiar strangers. I'll miss my carefree Tuesdays. But that's just the way things go, I guess. Nothing lasts forever.

Good news is that there will be no classes on Mondays though, which is something I've been hoping for since forever, because I don't like wearing formal. This semester I can wear my trainers every time I go to college! Rejoice!

Apart from that I don't know what to expect. I'll be attending some classes taught by tutors who have never taught me before, so right now the goal is to stay half invisible and not be a smartass.

No new semester resolutions. Still thinking hard of a strategy to find time to stay at DBKU City Library to read books, but the new timetable doesn't seem to be helping much. And my favourite days to do so have been Tuesdays and Thursdays, but now I have to find a new Favourite Library Day.

Tuesdays have also been my Favourite Bus Ride Day and now I have to find a new day, and hopefully on that new day I still get to board my favourite bus back home.

Well. Time for a new routine, new adventures, new chances to meet people and learn and live life, however mundane or ordinary things may go, there are still magic hidden in them. Lemme paste a Roald Dahl quote I feel like pasting lol.

"The greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."

Also, my course coordinator thought my name was Nicholas. I think that isn't such a bad name to be remembered by lol.

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