Thursday, October 6, 2016

#22 Bad First Day

I had my first day of classes for the new semester today and right now I'm feeling the need to get some things off my chest.

Well, things didn't go as expected, which is, well, fine, I can accept that. But having 13 more weeks of this kind of day is something I dread.

Last semester my first day was perfect, unexpectedly good, and the semester went well.

Today nothing nice happened. It was just like another day, but it's scarier than any other days because we had subjects that are going to be taken together with seniors who we barely know. As for the tutors, well, so far my instinct isn't leaning towards anything good but I guess I can't just assume things.

Things don't feel right at the moment. And I missed my usual bus home just now, just when I thought I needed to unwind for the day. Kinda pissed with certain things that I can't reveal here too, in case I get killed, or worse, expelled (the famous words of Hermione Granger lol).

The bus was so cold because it was air-conditioned. And I was so sleepy, because there was no wind gushing in like on STC buses where you can feel as if your problems get blown away by the wind too. My head is pounding right now.

The guy sitting next to me on the bus was sleeping so soundly, I had to wake him up when I wanted to get off the bus. At first I thought he was attractive but after staring at his sleeping face, I changed my mind instantly.

That's probably the funniest thing about today.

I'm beginning to feel fidgety again but it's in a bad way. I don't exactly know why.

Tomorrow is another day I dread but I guess things can only get better from here, right? It kinda sucks when you've lost the feeling of looking forward to something. Hmmh.

Edit: The second funniest thing that happened was perhaps the way I sprinted out of the classroom, across the road, then finally accepted that I missed the bus. Reaching the station, I struggled to get my RM5 out of the pocket of my slim fit jeans, and one of my 20 sen coins flung out of the pocket, comically (or rather, erh, tragically—depending on the way you see it) landing into a murky puddle (it had been raining earlier on), directly behind the front tyre of a bus. 80% of me wanted to pick it back, but 20% of the sensible me was determined that 20 sen isn't worth the risk of possibly getting my hands crushed if the bus suddenly moves. In the end I cursed under my breath and moved on with life.

And along the ride, I listened to some metal screamo and punk covers, before deciding to listen to Jake Bugg and imagine myself being as grumpy (but chill) as him. (I got out, I got out, I'm alive, and I'm here to stay.)


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