Friday, October 7, 2016

#23 Underestimating 5.30

I'm having an earlier day than usual. In fact, it's a bit unusual for me to blog in the morning but hey, I'm feeling like it. This blogger app makes life easier too lol.

With a new set of enthusiasm and a reminder that hey, you only have a bad day if you think it's a bad day, I started my day at 4.50am feeling completely awake. Perhaps it was because of the coffee I had yesterday evening.

Today is a special day because I made a new resolution: to hop on the first bus in the morning to head to my 8am class. The one and only time I have ever done this was when the car broke down and I had no other options. I remember that was when I wrote the song with the lyrics I breathe in ice and my lungs spit smoke while grey clouds cover up eyes of hope. I was that depressed, alright. The lyrics meant: Fuck the air is so cold in the morning but it's damn polluted and I feel like coughing up this black fume and damn I can't see anything good in my future. Hah! Genius, right?

Anyway, let's get back to this morning. I walked out of the house at exactly 5.30am, only to feel a bit horrified that it's so fucking dark outside and perhaps that's why my mum insisted that I should wake her up and let her walk me to the bus stop, but I refused. I left home like a thief and a street kid at the same time, but felt slightly stupid for underestimating how dark it is and how hard it is to cross the main road when you can't see the shape of the vehicles, but only their lights. Not that it mattered though. Plus, it's a lot easier to cross at 5.30 than say, 5.50 when there are a lot more vehicles.

As I approached the junction, I saw an empty STC bus passing by, meaning it came from the station and is beginning it's first journey of the day. I cursed under my breath because I missed that one, but came to my senses that if I hopped on that one, it would mean I'd arrive at college at 6.30 and who the heck comes to college at 6.30? So I felt better again.

So I sat at the bus stop in the dark feeling stupid again because how the heck am I going to see the bus? Should I rely on my sense of hearing? And why on earth is there nobody around?

So I hummed James's Bay Let it Go just because it's my bus stop theme song (no reason actually..)

Then a mother and her daughter came at 5.40 and two makciks (who were already fully awake, chatting so enthusiastically) came at 5.50.

So my mind went aha. So there's this noob who came at 5.30, and there's these intermediate level passengers who came at 5.40 and now there's these two advanced level regulars at 5.50 who actually know the trick. So today I learnt something the textbook never taught me. And they all looked at me weird, sort of welcoming me to the early morning bus wanker club, but perhaps half terrified looking at me in my black hoodie sitting in the dark alone. I love terrifying people in my black hoodie. The looks they give me are always priceless. This isn't the first time I did so haa.

-Apparently I couldn't finish this blog post before class began, and now I'm back at home.-

So to pick up the story where I left it, hahh. Guess what? The bus arrived at 6.05am or something. And it was the air conditioned bus I was on yesterday evening, with the grumpy old driver. I sat at the front row because the bus was surprisingly full. It's a very interesting bus ride, because almost everyone there was either going to work, or going to the small towns to buy lauk and perhaps have breakfast, but the majority hopped off at the General Hospital, meaning, well, probably half of the bus had hospital appointments to attend. The demographics was so diverse that if you were a photographer I think you could capture the essence of suburban life in Kuching. I kid you not wehh.

I gave up my seat to a grandma and her little granddaughter. My mistake though was that I didn't take off my earphones, so when she didn't sit right away, I thought she refused to sit, so I repeated my invitation for her to sit there, and that made it twice, and now I begin to think I was sort of ordering her to sit, because apparently she didn't sit right away because the bus was moving fast and she wanted to wait for the bus to stop at the traffic light first. Told you I'm a fucking loser at communication skills.

Anyway right after the sun began to emerge I felt a great feeling inside me, a feeling of wow just wow woke up at 4.50 and now I'm at town at 7.30. I marched happily to college, feeling so alive and independent and capable of taking care of myself. As soon as I settled down, I took a selfie and sent to to my mum saying that I'm safe and sound because she sounded like I was going to leave for war or something when I told her I want to start riding the early morning bus.

Class was lol I still need time to adapt with this tutor who I barely know.

And the second subject was good because the tutor taught us last semester and she's alright. The schedule for these two subjects are clashing though so I might need to come to college on another day or time because the timing will be changed.

We had an introduction session because some of us were unfamiliar with each other. And I trembled and fidgeted for no real reason. I hate myself so much.

At the end of the lesson (which was a brief lesson because oh come on, it's the first week..) I marched to the station hoping I could catch a bus at a good enough timing, but I saw a full bus leaving. I almost wanted to stop it, but it looked so full and it was an air conditioned bus, so I was like well feck it, it's Friday and I won't die waiting for another emptier bus.

I then saw my favourite bus, but not a single soul was there. In front of it on the opposite side of the station, was another old bus, written 3A. And behind it was an air conditioned bus, also following the 3A route.

So noobs, welcome to Kuching, where the buses can confuse you and you don't know which one you should hop on. Of course, you could ask, but you need to ask the right people.
And here's your friend who is damn lazy to ask, so she hopped on option no. 2 since it was parked in front of the rest.

I assumed it would move at 10.30am, so I ate an untasty doughnut I bought earlier on, but it was good enough to keep my hunger away. I had no breakfast sobs sobs.

A woman then came, and told me the air conditioned bus will move at 11, so I was like okay let's just stay here because old buses are way cooler than new buses.

But minutes later the driver came, and looked at me, and I looked at him, and he looked at me, and I looked at him again (apparently in this life I am not the only hesitant person I have ever known). When I was about to ask him what time will the bus be moving, he pointed towards my favourite bus on the other side of the station, saying that one will move at 10.30am.

At that moment I swear I didn't know what to feel. It's good to be on that bus again, but dios mio, this is out of routine, and I've never came home before noon on any bus rides (well technically I used to come home this early before I got myself a library card..) and, and, my biggest fear was that..

What if the driver thinks I'm a stalker, a creep, a weirdo?

I went to that bus anyway lol.

After buying myself a small carton of milk (enough coffee for now..) and after resisting not to appear more like a thief (the tauke was looking at me suspiciously, I couldn't tahan not to thiefify myself because I enjoy seeing people looking at me suspiciously..), I boarded the bus again, right before the political spy driver approached me for the fare, and he gave me my third suspicious stare of the day.

Stare number 1: Look, daughter, there's a serial killer in black hoodie about to start a shooting spree at the dark bus stop!

Stare number 2: She's a milk shoplifter! Milk shoplifter! Better follow her as close as possible, just look at the way she's pretending to stare at the drinks confusedly!

Stare number 3: Oh hai it's you again, are you stalking me? What are you doing here on a Friday morning, stalking me like on your Tuesday evenings?

So yeah..I still love this bus ride anyway. It made my day, because for the first time I was on this bus on a sunny morning with the sky above me ever so blue, which is totally the opposite to my usual rides on this bus, always dark and gloomy and hahhh, raining.

I think a guy who hopped on the ride was my primary school classmate, but I didn't say hi, in case he wasn't him. But I was kind of sure. It saddened me a bit. Because we were new kids in school when we entered together at Primary 5. He was a bright kid, with a pretty handwriting, in fact so pretty for an 11 year old boy. We used to be friends, in some sort of way. At that age, your classmates were your friends. I have his biodata in my biodata book. Sometime in secondary school he mixed with the wrong crowd, and I heard his family fell apart or something, and he changed so much since then. It's pretty messed up, this life we're living. When I saw him on the bus I only remember him as that kid back in primary school.

Anyway the funny thing was that the two makciks who were on my ride to town happened to hop on my ride home from the small town nearby. I was like lel well hello we meet again.
And there was yet another mentally ill person on the bus. She didn't disturb anyone, but when the driver was explaining the route to some confused passengers, she joined in and muttered some random places around town.

Meanwhile, outside the window of the bus we observed how a group of men on motorcycles gathered for what seemed like a commotion, but was probably just catching Pokémons. A brawl would look interesting, and I have to admit now I'm happy I've stopped playing PokémonGo. Seeing people like this just makes the whole thing look ridiculous.

Apart from that there's nothing really much I could recall. I hopped off the bus after cheerfully saying thank you to the driver (and I legitly smiled, just to be extra creepy) and there goes my day.

I finished a song last night, that will probably be shared here soon.

Time for a long weekend before getting back to adapting myself to this weird new routine.

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