Wednesday, October 26, 2016

#33 Just Another Wednesday

I woke up feeling pretty excited because it's another morning to hop on the early bus.

But I think I missed the early creaky old bus by perhaps one or two minutes. I should've walked to the bus stop earlier. I didn't rush because last week it was rather late. 

So I had to wait for the next bus after 6. It was so dark but I slowly watched the break of dawn as I waited for 20 minutes or so. It was rather disappointing to think that I would be hopping on that air conditioned bus, but I had no other options.

The bus was full and I had to stand up until about 10 stops later. It wasn't fun at all, and I wish I was on an STC bus which is far more comfortable although I can't understand why people say the opposite.

The grumpy old driver was all smiling and happy when he had some favourite passengers on the ride talking to him. When they hopped off at some stops along the route, he returned to his grumpy stressful face and I find this interesting, in a way.

I also became an asshole for not giving up my seat to anyone. I am utterly ashamed of myself, so I'm not going to elaborate.

Class was ok. I mean, well, surprisingly ok. But assignments are coming and I am a bit scared to be honest. Groupworks and pairworks are really scary and I'm never really good at them. One thing I hate about it is that when you have an idea and your teammate does not agree with it but can't tell you honestly what are their idea. And you get the exact same marks with them, so you either ace it together or screw it together, which is maybe pretty much why uni needs to do stuff like this to students. Maybe they want to teach you that sometimes real life functions that way.

My Narnia marathon came to an end and I'm ashamed to say that I almost fell asleep a few times when I was reading the last book. Maybe it's just because I woke up early. Idk. 

I had a surprisingly good lunch alone. I haven't eaten any good fried kueh tiaw in a while so I gotta say today's one surprised me in a good way.

It rained when I walked to the station but I was too lazy to take out my umbrella, plus I thought I'd feel better walking in the rain in my black hoodie, so I did so. My timing was perfect because the driver and I walked to the bus at the same time but I only gave him a bro glance because smiling is creepy.

It was another perfect ride. I really love it when it's raining not so heavily or had rained because the air is really refreshing and when you open that bus window the air just blows your hair and hits your face and you feel damn alive. I also gulped down coffee so that explains why I'm feeling a bit happier than usual. The only disappointing thing was that I bought this packet of Nips that said it contains peanuts and raisins but I ate half on the bus and did not get any raisins. I shook the packet real hard to mix it up in case the raisin ones were settled at the bottom for some reason, and it made a really loud noise because the bus was stopping at a traffic light, and I felt self-conscious that I made myself look like a weirdo.

I was also on the same ride with the mentally ill man again, and yes, I do wonder why the universe is syncing our schedules again and again.

I hopped off the bus, said thank you, to which the driver answered a generic welcome instead of his usual cheery ok! so I guess he isn't feeling particularly cheery today.

And there goes my Wednesday. I don't feel like I did much in life today. Didn't contribute to any grand stuff. Last night I fixed the leaking tap at home after my dad gave up on fixing it and left for his night shift. It made me feel good, being able to contribute to something unusual to my home/family. I'm also still having so weird thoughts of how nice it would be if I were a guy. It's a rather risky thing to say on an open blog but hey, I'm not saying that I love women. It's just that if I were a guy a lot of things would be different in a better way I think. Or maybe it's just me simply assuming stuffs.

Thr pic of the day would be a pic that I took at the bus stop this morning. It's dark. You can't really see anything. But that's the point. 

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