Tuesday, October 18, 2016

#29 Somebody, Nobody, Changing, Unchanging

I was on another bus ride this morning when I saw a man lying on the side of the road, covered with an umbrella. It was a sunny morning. Either people were covering him because of the sun, or because he was dead, I'm still not sure--because our bus whizzed past him and all I saw were his khaki trousers, and a 4WD that hit him, and some officers taking some details from the driver. No ambulance, no paramedics--which meant it had probably just happened. 

Everyone on the bus craned their necks to get a better view. 

Then things resumed like normal just as we lost sight of the scene.

The sun was still shining brightly. The road construction workers were still doing their jobs. Cars were still driving by. People were still doing their things.

Funny, right? 

Funny that we're somebody and nobody at the same time. Nothing stops just because a man is lying at the side of the road after being hit. People are still doing their business.

But in the man's world, things may have stopped. A wife gets a phone call. A son finds out his dad was in an accident. A daughter cries. A friend is sad. A stranger who routinely sees this man wonders why he doesn't show up on this particular day.

As much as things are unchanging for those who does not know this man at all, things are changing for those who knows him in different levels of his life.

Funny, right?

Makes me wonder how small we are. How insignificant. Life does not stop for us. Life moves at its usual pace when things happen to us. 

But at the same time, we're somebody. We're somebody to some people. And their lives are altered when something happens to us.

Funny, how we're somebody, but nobody at the same time..


Hope the man's OK though. I'm going to read some online news tonight and check out the papers tomorrow to see if there's any news about him. 

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