Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 3

I've successfully reached the quota for my broadband.

So maybe I have to stop doing all of these daily reports and focus on the real report I need to finish, which is my Bio report.

I don't know why I seem to be exceeding the quota for every month this year. Haven't really been to YouTube recently. Hmm.

Managed to do some maths homework this evening, after some sleep in the afternoon. I don't really feel like doing maths anyway. All I want to do is to finish reading the books that I borrowed. But ah, I'm so bad in doing different things at one go. I'd rather focus with one first, and too bad I don't really know how to set my priorities right. 

I've also found out that the more I read, the more I have this feeling of writing and continuing my so-called novel project which has been left hanging ever since I landed in this place where people seem to value science and maths more than arts. Well I know it's rather inappropriate to say so because those are the things which we are supposed to study based on what we're taking now. I wasn't really sure of my true interest anyway. I'm still not even really sure now, because I love both of them, and back in a few months ago I knew that I had to eventually choose one which will determine where I'm heading to in the future.

Man, why did I explain everything so deeply?

This is supposed to be a daily report. Gah.

One fun thing about today is that I was stopped by the guard of our local supermarket for wearing my black sweater. I was annoyed at first, but soon it came to my mind that I should be happy because my appearance must have looked pretty much like a shoplifter, which means that I don't have an innocent school nerd look after all. Or maybe I looked like a street kid. Just kidding. Whatever the guard thought of me, it's quite shocking because I've walked in without any problem before this despite of having the sweater on me. So today I had to take it off and leave it outside.

...and I guess my mum won't be proud of me if she saw the things that I bought. 

I'm quite skinny, most of the people around me say so. (But to me I have a normal weight and I'm perfectly happy with the degree of my fatness. I'm not that skinny, ok. I have fats on both side of my cheeks). That refutes their statement. 

Not many know that I have a nafsu makan yang besar. I'm one of those people who can feel really hungry around 2am and walk into the kitchen to prepare something. Something oily, eggy and contains a lot of calories. I'm never satisfied with bread. Or oat. Or nestum. They do make me happy, sometimes, but nothing beats a meal which is fried. And I'm pretty much having some regrets that I can't fry a single thing at night during this whole break because of my own reluctance of booking a flight ticket months ago. Upgrade konon. Serves me right. Now I'm the one suffering, thinking of how good it would be if I'm at home with all the food and ingredients that I can transform into something awesome.

So to console myself, I did a massive shopping spree for food. 

When I say massive, I mean what I say and I say what I mean.

My mum likes to say don't try to be stingy when it comes to food. But now, thinking of Aristotle punya konsep of jalan tengah which we learnt early this sem in Ethics, I think this is the last time I'm doing so. 

Still it doesn't beat the fact that I can't cook here grrrr. I still have to depend on instant stuff whenever I'm hungry around 2am. I am sad.

..and staying in the hostel for the rest of the day pretty much encourages my mind to eat something every minute. 

There you have it, report on Day 3 is all about food, hunger, and still no proper moments of studying. 

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