Saturday, March 17, 2012

Schools and Traditions

Why so sudden? Ah, actually I've been thinking of pouring my thoughts on this for quite a long time already. Before my inspiration runs dry, I think I better start saying out what I want to say.

For all my life, I've only been to ordinary schools. 

However, you may not know that I actually have a very deep interest in boarding schools, or schools with traditions, and the way they work.

"If you have children in the future, will you send them to schools like RMC?", I asked my friends one day. They laughed at me. They gave me some of their opinions too.

I just don't know why, but when I look at other people's photos of their schooldays, I get this funny little question, "What did I do during my schooldays?".

School traditions are one of the coolest things people could experience in their lifetime. I occasionally visit the websites of two all-boys schools which are (weirdly) becoming my top two schools which I would like to visit one day. They are Suan Kularb Wittayalai School and Vajiravudh College in Thailand.

I know I'm weird.

But it's fun looking at photos of them attending school programmes and continuing their school tradition. They even have this some sort of pride of their school to the point that some of them have fb names which end with their school's name.

So I would imagine myself, having an fb name like..errr..Fee Penrissen.

One friend told me that it's not really good to have that kind of attachment. Yes, we all have some sort of pride and fondness towards our old schools and the memories that we left behind, but somehow we need to move on.

I love my old school, if you'd asked me. Penrissen is a very old school itself, established in 1965, but most of the buildings are new ones. 

I had a chance to experience a school with tradition when I was in Form 1, but I ran away from it. And I never regretted. MRSM has this homeroom system thingy, bonds between senior-juniors were quite strong (I guess so), boarding school atmosphere gives you a routine which soon becomes some sort of a tradition, but yeah, I ran away to a normal school which made me happy anyway.

I'm jumping here and there, slowly away from my main topic.

When they look back on their schooldays, I bet those people see the days when they went through the traditions and stuffs.

When I look back on mine, I guess it's more less the same after all. Got friends. Got nice teachers. Got sports day (which I never attended anyway). 

But one good thing about schools with traditions, they have alumni associations :D

People from normal school like me, once they get out of the school, they're forgotten :X

..and one funny thing is that I was really hoping to go to some sort of university which has a tradition, like those old British ones. Months before SPM you could find me visiting Wikipedia almost everyday just to read about those kind of universities, staring at their logos, and examining the mottos.

and I forgot to mention university scarves. Those which have different colours according to faculty. Very cool stuff indeed.

Ironically, the place where I'm (hopefully) going to head to is quite a new university, yeah I doubt they have any tradition or Hogwards-like buildings.

Nah, try to guess which uni has this motto: Via, Veritas, Vita.

OK, to be honest I was dreaming (and is still dreaming) of going to University of Glasgow.

'nuff said.

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