Friday, March 30, 2012

I'm Sorry

"Ask if you don't understand", they said.

But how can you ask if you don't know what to ask?

And then you really want to ask, but no one seems to care to explain. 

Now I know why some kids still cannot read or write or count while their peers are way ahead of them. It's not they're fault. It's not that they're stupid.

It's rather because they were denied a chance,

or maybe because no one really cares.

Maybe a loser doesn't deserve to be in this place.


Kar Suan said...

I'm sorry that we have not really understand and be there for you at that time. I'm sorry because we have not try our best to understand you better. I'll keep you in prayer. Don't give up. This might not help you but, hey, my dear, we are all here. Always here for you. So are God. He is always there. :) Stay Strong! Love. Suan.

Fee said...

Hey, you've been there a lot for me. You don't need to say sorry :]

Love you :]

Cindy ツ said...

i'm sorry i didn't understand you enough. :(

Fee said...

nah, it's over. u guys were the ones who did a lot to make me feel better :)

Love you, Chai! :]