Sunday, March 25, 2012

Close Your Ears. No, Don't.

[Story behind the song can be found in my post sometime in January]

Just kidding. Tell me what you honestly think about it. It may sound good to me but not to you, so yeah, one thing about writing songs is that it makes me perasan sometimes and I don't want to grow perasan if it's actually not good. Haha. I believe improvement will come with time and experience, so yeah, it's better for me to keep on uploading so that one day I can look back and say..

"Oh no, why did I upload it in the first place?"

or maybe something better like..

"Oh wow, last time I used to sing/play/compose like I'm getting better." (Self-motivation). XP

Teehee. Just me having some little extra dose of perasan-ness and hyperness. Anyway, enjoy. I write songs not only for me to listen to, but for everyone who wants to listen. (I'd rather be perasan than syok sendiri). So yeah go listen and make sure you put the most minimum volume (but not mute, of course). I accept comments like "improve your singing", "try something new with your lyrics", etc. Help me to do better next time! :)

Thank you for sacrificing your broadband. One more coming very soon, hopefully.


jam friend said...

Me likey! Nice lyrics. Can't think of any improvement now..... Uh.... XD haha, ok, feel free to be perasan then. ;)

Fee said...

Hahaa (grinning perasan-ly). Thanks jam friend! Let's collab one day woohoo :D

By the's sad (but funny) to see your comment ending up as a spam once again XD

jam friend said...

Gasp! *is insulted* how dare your inbox discriminate against me! >:(

Fee said...

yeah..kesian right..I'm so sorry on behalf of my inbox ><