Cycling under the drizzle, singing songs, and having that unexplainable feeling of joy while enjoying the night breeze - I doubt it is something that I can ever experience again. If it is possible, still I don't think it will be the same.
I feel infinite.
I never felt the joy of exploring my own hometown with my friends. Maybe I had, but this must be one of the very few chances I ever took. And it's been a while since I left college, which meant I really missed everyone whom I used to see everyday. It wasn't fun, sitting alone in the bedroom everyday, recalling all the stuffs that I used to do, and how I had friends do to lame stuff together.
I may not be able to recall everything that we've done during the past three days, but one thing's for sure - I will never forget how I felt. I had so many first time experiences, from trying out some unknown food, to doing some crazy and scary things that I would certainly avoid doing if I were not with a bunch of friends, especially the crazy and daring Mak Cik. :P
Narrating stories is not my area of expertise, I'm more of a chessy reflective writer, so this is not going to tell you all of the details on what we've done. But I can list down some of the crazy things I did, some were for the first time:
1. Walking along a rocky area by the sea just to get to the neighbouring beach, and I was so scared I might slip and skin my knees. The only thing I had in mind was Oh if I was with another bunch of friends I would never do this. Ever. And I was pondering if my mum knew what I was doing she won't be happy haha.
2. Learnt how to fully submerge my head under the water (is it even qualified to be called as a dive?) for the first time, after being persuaded that I should learn to overcome my fears. *Coughs* Again, my mum had warned me earlier not to swim, but I did. Haha.
3. Climbed a bridge which had a gate and some pointy spikey stuff at the side of the gate (I was so afraid it might poke me to death, seriously) because it was the only way to return to the previous side of the beach without having to walk along the rocky area. Again, I was seriously scared and was wondering I have broken so many of mum's rules. Hahaha.
4. On the first day we went to Civic Centre (I haven't been there for about ten years) and had to take the lift (I am super scared of going into lifts, man, it's like one of the things I always avoid, except for when I have to go to CA). And this place is the infamous area for you-know-what..tall buildings..eherm..I think you get what I mean. The random chairs along random spots along and near the railings gave me a scary aura of mystery but I shut my mouth and kept my thoughts to myself.
5. Went to the crocodile farm for the first time, something I'll never do with my family because my mum gave me that geli expression when I wanted to show the pictures to her. I completely understand why, coz during my parents childhood they spent a lot of time near rivers. At some places in the farm, we were walking literally above the crocs as we followed the wooden bridges - which made me think what if it breaks and we all fall down.
6. We went to the museum only to find out that it was already closed, so we ended up doing random photoshoots under the scorching sun. I did some jumpshots which gave me the fear of ripping my jeans.
7. We went across the river by boat (not my first time, but still I would avoid it if it wasn't an outing with friends).
8. We had dinner at Kuching Fest for two consecutive nights, which involved getting through huge crowd of people, lining up for food, choosing tables to sit without having to care about the massive junk on the table (no choice bro..) and mistakenly grabbing that's-not-ours! pair of chopsticks on the table. Had fried ice-cream, fried oreo, fried burger, so many fried stuffs.
9. Took a ride on the scary game, I don't know what is it's exact name, but it falls under the category of ferris wheel, roller coaster, pirate ship kinda thingy. I have a massive fear of falling and the last time I've been to these kind of stuffs is when I was in Primary 3, which was a old rusty ferris wheel and come think of it, I don't even know how did I end up there. Ah, after googling, I found out that what we rode that day was a paratrooper, which is categorised under thrill rides. I sat next to Sharon who kept on holding my hand, reassuring me that it was going to be fun and we would enjoy the scenery from above. I, on the other hand, forced my eyes to be wide open, and had this constant fear that I might get thrown out and die landing in the fields. After everything ended, I was glad I am still alive.
10. We went to two wildlife centres, to see orang utans, which made me realise that they are harmful and I should think of changing my lifelist statement of holding an orang utan to holding a baby orang utan instead.
11. I had Sunny Hill ice-cream for the first time outside with a bunch of friends.
12. I went to Bing! for the first time. Seriously. As a Kuchingite, I am embarrassed to admit that.
13. And OH HOW CAN FORGET THE SURREY BIKE! We cycled under the drizzle with some fear of snatch thieves, but oh, it was so fun, as in memorable, because it was about 11pm and we were singing random songs from Hillsong to Westlife as we cycled and yelled Brake! Brake! at intervals. At that moment, I felt infinite (Just like how Charlie felt in The Perks of Being a Wallflower when Patrick drove along the tunnel). Never have I imagined I would have the chance to do so in some part of my life, in my own hometown where I thought I would never find any compatible friends.
14. We met Catherine! After one year of not seeing each other, it was good to say hi and have a brief catch up.
I really felt blessed during the whole thing. It was the best outing I could have asked for. After miserable weeks of loneliness upon leaving college, I was so happy to go out and have fun. And of course I am thankful for Mak Cik's and her family's hospitality (I think I finished their soap...) and indeed sakai for overnighting at a friend's house for the first time in Kuching.
They're pictures now. But those things happened. Those
things were being felt. They were once real moments :) |
It is moments like these which makes me feel like I want to write a song and stick photos on my bedroom wall.