Thursday, December 31, 2009
My New Year Resolution
The Last Day of 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2010.
Until we meet again.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Me? Watching Football??
I remember the last time I watched a match between Thailand and Iran on the night before my exams when I was in Form 2. I slept at 2am. That was one of the matches I gave full concentration on. I am not a huge fan of football.
However since Malaysia defeated Thailand that day in the SEA Games, I've been following this stuff. I went crazy over the semi-finals between Malaysia and Laos. How glad I was to see Malaysia to the finals.
The match against Vietnam this evening caused my heart to thump like crazy. This event is a total history. After 20 years without any gold medals, they did it. Yes, they did it!
I have to say it again, I am not a huge fan of football. But this one is something way too cool to be missed. So if you didn't watch it, .........(haha)
Last night I accidentally caused a scratch on the neck of my guitar. Great, before it even reached 1 month old with me, I've caused a minor deformation (?) on my new Santa Cruz. I was so careless. Literally I'd rather scratch my own neck (our skin regenerates after all) because their is no way to heal this scratch on my guitar. Ugh.
I was actually following a tutorial video on "We Are the Reason" when it happened. I pulled my book in a rush, knocking down the guitar, causing it to hit the computer desk and bang. I noticed this annoying little scratch fellow.
You know how I feel, don't you? I am not happy.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
New Blog Header
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Wow, December!
Now I remember about my post last year, (Hello December, the Month of 1001 Laziness). The situations different this year. The weather's fine every morning. However, nights are still cold. I don't need the fan but instead two blankets. Evenings are also perfect for recreation (although I don't do so).
What next? Yeah, it's been a very long time since I updated my blog. I just didn't have the feeling and mood to voice out anything. Nothing seems very special, but indeed I am enjoying my holidays because next year I'll surely have no time to relax and waste some time. Although quite boring, I have nothing to complain of regarding this holidays. No weddings, no vacations (well as usual) but yep, I am spending quality time with my guitar and PC.
My mission of tidying up my bedroom seems to be 3/4 completed. I'm already fed up of Facebook-ing. I have totally nothing to do. Perhaps I should do a little bit of revision XD
Went to Popular and bought a book of sample essays this afternoon. I must start digging the pages completely and bury my nose in that book for the whole day tomorrow. I shouldn't waste time. I know.
I'm in the mood of singing Nuvo's "Tam Dai Reu Plao" (ทำได้หรือเปล่า). In case you want to sing it along with me, here's the transliteration of the lyrics. I did it by myself haha. As for the translation, you'll have to wait for several years until I really master my Thai language ^^
Ter glap maa wan nee
Mai bpen meuan ter kon gon
Maa oon won ja yon keun maa meuan gao
Bork rao hai leum meua waan
Tee bpen roi plae bpen nai jai rao
Tee bpuat rao fang yoo pben roi leuk maa naan
Mong naa ter aow wai lae tam hua jai hai graeng
Jong sa-dtaeng hai meuan waa jai mai san
Bork ter wah rao mai leum
Sing tee ter dai keui tam raai gan
Mae jai nan man kit ja yorm ter meuan keui maa
Yaa hai jai pae pai dtua eng
Yaa bpai dtaam jai hua jai rao eng
Bpen yaang tee paan maa (Jep maa por mai?)
Bork ter bpai waa jai yang jep
Lae mai mee jai leua por hai krai
Laeo gor han jaak bpai kae nee tam dai reu plao?
Bork ter wah rao mai leum
Sing tee ter dai keui tam raai gan
Mae jai nan man kit ja yorm ter meuan keui maa
Yaa hai jai pae pai dtua eng
Yaa bpai dtaam jai hua jai rao eng
Bpen yaang tee paan maa (Jep maa por mai?)
Bork ter bpai waa jai yang jep
Lae mai mee jai leua por hai krai
Laeo gor han jaak bpai (Jep maa por laeo)
Yaa hai jai pae pai dtua eng
Yaa bpai dtaam jai hua jai rao eng
Bpen yaang tee paan maa (Jep maa por mai?)
Bork ter bpai waa jai yang jep
Lae mai mee jai leua por hai krai
Laeo gor han jaak bpai kae nee tam dai reu plao…
Let's start singin' fellas!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Bored. Again.

Cute huh.
Peace :)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Just finished watching the 9.7th episode of Rak Lamoon Loon Lamai (If I didn't get the episode wrong). Oho..that lakorn is getting much more interesting. I love Kong! I'm starting to love Ann too. They both are just too cute together :p
Sunday, November 22, 2009
My New Buddy
A three-digit guitar is always better than a Kapok, everyone knows that. But for me, I am so very thankful to my Kapok which had made my left hand way stronger over the past few years. On my Kapok I learnt the basics of the most basic. I learnt barre chords - and very recently I learnt how to solo. I've improved a lot I think. Well, not that bad as a self-taught guitarist xD
Back to the new buddy. It's a Santa Cruz. As you can see on the picture above, I chose one with a cutaway shape. The reason is because currently I'm teaching myself to play lead. Oh, it's a long way to go..
Purchased it at Lee's. Oh boy, that place certainly rocks! I was actually only surveying yesterday, but I ended up falling in love with this guitar after they asked me to try it. Straight away, I reserved it, took a look on some pretty cool bags, asked for bonus items (got a free pick & strap at least), felt that I might need a capo in the future and waalaa. Discounts. Today everything is in my room.
The people there treats you as if you're the one and only valuable customer. You actually don't need the skills and researches. They do all of it for you - your budget and whatever. Haha. I was too excited that I didn't even catch and digest what did the guy said. In my mind was only the guitar. Plus hundreds of guitars around me o.O
For anyone who's searching for a guitar, I recommend this place. They have everything there. You don't need to wait until you become a hi-so kid to get a guitar there. I was totally wrong. Most of them are really affordable and reasonable actually :) Plus like I said, service is excellent. They greet you on your first step to the store and you can try any of the guitars you want. Okay. Enough of that. I really sound sakai.
Oho. And I saw a Fender Strat package of "stop dreaming start playing" at only RM 1000+. I saw a white les paul at RM700+. This is driving me crazy. Just wait and see. I'll be at Lee's again in 2 years time. Hopefully.
Looks like I have to join another essay-writing competition ;)
Thank You LORD.
Friday, November 20, 2009
School Holiday "Project"?

Wow, that's a lot of touch up on that photo.
I am so gonna watch this till the last episode :p
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Oh, I just love PhotoScape.
and Chin ;)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Plan A
1. Update my blog frequently, don't care if anyone's reading or not.
2. Master a little bit of fingerstyle guitar songs. I know it's impossible, but it's no harm to tell the world.
3. Get a new acoustic into my open arms. Simplified version of this sentence: "Buy a new acoustic guitar".
4. Read, read, read. I must improve my writing skills and get bombastic words into my head.
5. Change the strings of my Kapok. I've changed the G and D strings. Will change the upper two to make it sound mellower (hopefully). NEVER changed them before, they look damn rusty.
6. Oh, watch some lakorns on YouTube. Haven't planned yet.
7. Facebooking. Until I get fed up with it.
8. Gain weight.
9. Tidy my room.
10. Organize my collection of Thai stars pics. Lots of doubles and I really need to organize them.
I promise Plan B will only be on USEFUL stuffs. Don't worry.
The BiG Day
Move on..
Friday, 13th November 2009
It was a HUGE MASSIVE BIG day.
Remember my post "Smile at Me and You've Inspired My Days", the last year's post? Well, I think this time it's quite similar to that one. Not exactly but maybe a little similar.
Waiting in front of the administration block with teachers walking here and there in front of you is so not cool. But with the other maroon-necktied students with you, plus a bunch that yo get along well with, it was no big deal at all. To make it easy I just used the strategy of "turning up the corners of your lips" and greet good morning.
Mc and I set off to do our job without being instructed. We knew what we had to do, and by 6.45am I guess I needed to take a shower again. So after that we were confident that there were no more visible rubbish around the hall area. Case closed for that, but to my horror I did not realise that I should have entered the hall by that time. It was all because I was late finishing my job with Mc. I got sounded even before the so-called "BiG day" started, and frankly speaking that was extremely so not cool. I've always been sensitive over small things (such as dealing with angry-faced or stern voices of teachers) and honestly I totally don't enjoy it as it makes my heart thumps like there are elephants running in my veins and arteries (because of nervousness). Not complaining, but but now you see the contrast between "smile at me and you've inspired my days" with "frown at me and you've ruined my days". The former sounds so much better than the latter.
The worst moment is when I was called again because there were still tiny bits of rubbish IN FRONT of the hall. I bade farewell with my red bean bun (which I just had bit my first bite on it), went out of the hall and again made sure that this time it really looks like paradise. At the same time, I regretted for typing out the phrase of "search me if you see any rubbish tomorrow" n the previous post. So it really DID happened. The only difference is I didn't run away like a little rat.
(I make it sound so grand, wah)
-> Zera came, but we didn't have the chance to talk with each other for a long time as I was sitting at the other side.
-> I really enjoyed to one of the speeches which was impressive to me. Yeah, I'm a nerd~
-> Chris came during the middle of the event, causing me and Cynthia to "eh..Chris! Chris!" sambil waving frantically to him.
-> As expected, I enjoyed the juniors' performance of Bicara Berirama. This time I double enjoyed it as they were wearing proper costumes. Oh, I just love it. I regretted for not recording it :(
-> I felt nervous getting up of the stage. This time, there were less smiling faces compared to last year.
-> The Chinese songs were beautifully performed. Everything was perfect. The guitar, the violin, the voices / main vocals and the arrangement were all beautiful.
-> Choral speaking performance was superb. "Cute" and I loved it.
-> The best moment is when we finally gathered gathered with one another before and after receiving the PMR award. Taking photos was the most fun part! :D
-> Oh ya, and this time there's a handycam throughout the event. I tell this because last year they only used cameras. xD
That wasn't the end of the story. After everything ended, I had to stay to help out. Not just me, but the whole prefects too. But this is no fun story. It's not a happy ending. Honestly it left us furious with our "team mates". Over 80+ (oh, I dunno the actual number) of us, only 20+ were to be seen. Where were the others? Where's the team spirit of prefects? Again, I am so not complaining haha. I'm also not mad with you guys lah. I've forgotten the tired-ness already. What's important now is SCHOOL HOLIDAYS HAS JUST STARTED! No matter how angry and mad I felt that day, I'll forget about it because we won't meet each other until next year! Hahahahahahahahaha (going insane). Gah~
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I don't know why I'm typing this out. Haha.
I'm in the AJK Kebersihan for the prefects' job thingy and bringing a huge black plastic bag made me feel that oh yeah Christmas is coming. I totally don't know what am I trying to voice out. By 8.30am, I felt like I didn't take a morning shower. But the job was fun (smiling optimistically). My job is to make sure that the area around the hall looks like paradise I guess. So teachers and friends - if you see that there are empty packets of Hacks, Twisties, plastic cups etc. tomorrow around the school hall, do search for me and Mc xD and I'll be hiding like a little rat.
Waw~ I love this year's performances, especially by the wee afternoon session juniors. They're so cool that I lost my worries for leaving the school in their hands next year. I'm 101% positive that they're gonna rock the school more than we do. I won't be surprised if there are gonna be massive changes in Pen 1 after my batch leave. They make me so proud of my beloved Pen 1.. :)
Can't wait for tomorrow~
I'll be back for another post tomorrow. Peace.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
A Treasure in Life: Schooldays
Friday, November 6, 2009
A Quick Update (Again)
Friday, October 23, 2009
Mixed Feelings..
It was a light moment, enjoying chicken rice with a huge group, singing songs with the rest of the prefects (okay, I didn't realise that my terrible voice was on top of the others), listened to a ceramah which was not really boring as other ceramah-ceramah I've ever attend. Oho, and the highlight for today: the group activity!
We were divided into 10 groups of 8 prefects - and I wasn't delighted at all the first moment I saw my group members. I only truly knew 2 of them - the others, oh, It's just hard to remember other people's name although they really know my name. None were my current classmates. I was worried that we couldn't cooperate (you should really see their undelighted faces). Oh no, I'm judging.
So the task was to carry (or more accurately - balance) a plastic cup filled with water which was put inside a container by using strings. (I guess pictures are better for explaining this). The route was from the hall - computer lab - administration block - canteen - back to the hall. To say it was easy, no, it wasn't because a few groups didn't really make it back to the hall. To mention that it was tough, also not quite I guess, cooperation and humour made it a little easy. Impin as the group leader was not even an inch of mistake. I miss him as a friend - he used to be my classmate since primary 5 till form 3, an active and hilarious fellow - it's just sad to think that we're not classmates anymore. He's the right person - he made us laugh a lot until I didn't notice that my group members were not too bad after all. They're superb! We managed to overtake 3 groups in front of us and that moment was really fun! And yes, they yelled a lot.
I'm in a dilemma. The activities will be continued next Monday. I'd love to come but ohh - Add Maths tuition at 6pm and the next day will be the first day of exams. BM paper..Should I come or just forget about it? But there'll be a competition on menganyam ketupat - one of my 'abilities' that I would really love to share for my group to win! School is not just about scoring A's after all. Sometimes we just have to open our eyes on such simple things and gain some memorable times. However, I am pretty much worried. Worried that I'll screw up the next day. This is just horrible. I wish it was conducted earlier~
I'll leave my worries for a while. Next story..
Although exams are just around the corner, I'm feeling bad because I can't feel the pressure. This week witnessed a lot of weird stuffs - "singing session" (My classmate Jin Cheng has an unbelievable melodious voice that you will certainly love to record and upload on YouTube), "showing-off some rap", and class was simply not as usual. The class is planning to have a party next Monday. I'm really looking forward to it, especially the performance by our class guitarists.
As usual, no one is reading this, right?
Sunday, October 18, 2009
100th Post!
I've finally reached my 100th post here. I can't remember the actual date when I started blogging but for sure I think it's less than a year ago. Perhaps.
So what should I tell in this special 100th post? I have no idea at all.
So goodbye for now I guess.
I'll add on a little bit of things later.
Friday, October 16, 2009
I am :D
Okay, nice effort to build a complex sentence I think.
Now where should I start? I have a lot to tell and I think it's just impossible to type it all out here. Cynthia asked me this afternoon whether I've updated my blog. Then I realised, oh yeah, I should really post something, never mind if it's just another boring story. The truth is, I really like this week, but no, not this day - Friday. Usually I love Fridays but this Friday is no ordinary Friday. A bizarre one? Perhaps. The reasons are:
1. No guitar day. Boring~
2. Felt a little lonely before recess. Then not anymore.
3. Sunbathed under the sun of course, early this morning. Don't care actually - it's a good way to gain vitamins I guess.
4. No Add Maths. I'm not a Add Maths lover but it seems weird.
5. "Escaped" my job so I somehow feel a little guilty.
6. Running here and there made me feel...weird.
7. I went to the school library. (Waaaawww..)
8. After more than a year, I met with my fellow, ketuk ketampi once again.That was damn fun xD
back to the title. I am :D yes I am. Why should I :( ?
School has been fun although exams are coming soon. I get along well with almost all of the people in the class now, well I guess so. I try to act stupid sometimes to light up the atmosphere (not sure whether it worked or not), especially during experiments for Chemistry. Oh ho, I should not have told this to you. Whatever, the main thing here is that I enjoy for being who I am. I read a quote saying that it's really a waste for regretting who you are. Yeah. I sound emo. No, I'm not. What's important here is that whatever I type here comes from the flow of ideas from my nose so I don't care if it makes sense. (Okay, please laugh).
I'm getting more and more addicted to English class. I just simply love English~ Miss R said I have to express myself more in my essays. I really hope that my writing skills will improve with time and effort in updating this blog. I've realised that I express myself more freely here as I always put in my mind that nobody is actually reading and detecting any grammatical errors in every blog posts of mine. You know I don't have time for story books. I also don't know why. Homework are just too annoying sometimes.
Oh ya..and some reasons to make me :D
1. New Thai songs of this month are pretty nice to listen to. I never loved new songs this much. xD
2. Positive comments from my Thai friend made me :)
3. I'm able to play Singto's song on my Kapok right now.
4. Less homework xD
5. Simply :D with no concrete reasons. (does that term actually exist?).
I got to go.
Peace, no fight-fight.
In a totally relaxed mood.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
One Big Fat Proud Fan

Finally, I have a pic of all the band members plus their autographs. (Actually I found it last week, but felt lazy to upload). I wish it was Nuvo alone, but Micro is also not that bad, let's just conclude it's a bonus for having both (which are two great rock bands from the late 80's).
That was not an easy job searching for a stuff like this. I went in and out countless forums and tried out various keywords. last~
3 posts in a day? I must be insane.
New Stuff - Singto
I'm actually talking about someone named Singto. I mean Singto the Star 5 - winner of The Star 5 (a reality show of course in Thailand) - I never knew about him before, until I stumbled across his latest and new song, Mai Yahk Dai Yin Siang Ter last night. It was my first attempt of translating a Thai song (officially) to get a free CD. Kahkah. Can't believe I spent two hours on the song until I didn't realise I fell in love with it. Sadly the official MV is not on YouTube yet as it is still really really new (oh my, that sentence is sure a bad one).
How shocked I am to know that he won that title when he's still 16. He sure has a very deep voice, I don't really like it but you know, the song is not bad - something I've been searching for in this era of Thai songs that sounds so K-pop. This song is just different - it gives me a new view on new Thai songs. Most of the songs nowadays sucks especially when it comes to imitating the beat and style of K-pop stuffs. Ew~. (I'm not saying all are bad. Rock songs from Thailand never fail to make me feel rock, old and new. Yeah~)
Singto's voice is so Thai~ oh my..I'm starting to love him ^.^
I typed out สิงโต alone, pictures of lions came out. So I added "The Star 5". This is what I got: *screams* (a so Thai face)

Cheh, it feels like yesterday I entered Form 4
The hectic lifestyle - wow, I'm getting used to it
Of course it's tiring, but still sometimes fun
Books on the table, the floor, the bed - and everywhere
Enough to indicate that homework never ends
Ray diagrams of Physics, please stick in my head!~
That was fun - and that is what I could summarize about my start of October. Time seems to be extra fast this year. I can't believe next year will be my final year in school.
Written spontaneously =)
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
"A Jammed Brain is Hard To Move"
These past few days I've been browsing through countless covers on YouTube, I mean Thai guys and girls makin covers of the song Unlovable (or probably Unloveable) by Mild. I only watched it for about a minute or two. The secret is I'm trying to identify what brand of guitars they have. Mwahahahaha *weird laugh*
I'm just so unfortunate. The person who uploaded some videos that I wanted to download has disabled the embed code. It was enabled before this. I shouldn't have waited for this holiday to download them. Unluckily but yeah luckily I managed to download about 10 from 18 of them (which I did last holidays). Mwahahaha..wait till I go to Thailand I'll ambush every VCD or DVD shop and ask for the concert vids. (It was back in 2001, how on earth will I get those precious videos??)
About the title: You know lah. I bet you're also in the same shoes. Mwahahahaha. Or am I the only one? Who cares.
As usual, I assume no one is reading this.
Grammatical errors purposely done. Needed to add a lil bit of seasoning to the sentences. (another way to say "I'm not a pro in grammar")
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Totally Relaxing!
...and it's for a week! Enough to make me smiling alone the whole day long without realising that I've wasted another 24 hours. My biggest achievement: a 14 hours online session last Thursday night. Oh my, I know I've wasted my time but let it be. For sure that's going to be the last time this holidays. I'm not going to do that again. Promise.
Yes, relaxing is good, but how on earth am I going to be able to write the essay about "What I did last school holidays" that I have to submit next week? Just write that I sat in front of the pc for hours, browsing for useless things? Or probably tell Miss R in the essay that I didn't do anything but play the guitar for the whole day? Or completed my homework for the whole week long? This is going to be ridiculous. As usual I don't really go anywhere special during each and every holidays my whole life. Wait till I go to Thailand for a trip during the holidays then I'll be able to write maybe 5 pages long!
Ok. So I hope I'll remember to memorise my lisan BM and complete my Chemistry homework. ^^
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Dare to Watch?

Man, I have to watch this. But no, I don't have the guts. :D
Friday, September 11, 2009
5 Days Summary
Thanks to Bodyslam for the song Kwahm Cheua that burnt up my spirit when I felt extremely down, fed up and tired this week. No. I was lying. My week started pretty cool eh actually. But I have to say it's been really tiring. I overslept in the evening, I failed to complete my homeworks so there I was, on my study table until 12 midnight and the next day I refused to get up of bed and felt like continuing my sleep until 12 noon. Oh no, but I just couldn't do so. And the damn celak@ manok terkokok-kokok outside my bedroom as early as 4 am was so damn celak@. I've faced this for several weeks, unable to get up on time (5.20 am normally) just because I woke up extra early, yes, because of the rooster/chicken/whatever you call an alive damn manok. Tomorrow, my peaceful Saturday morning will be disrupted again. I bet.
Tuesday: My starting point of being a prefect officially. The normal thingy, ehem, keep an eye on students who are supposed to collect the endless amount of rubbish scattered near your feet, in the drain, hanging at the windows, to cut it short, everywhere! Kids nowadays really have to learn what's the function of a dustbin. We have literally thousands around us, ehem, but as usual no one appreciates a dustbin. Shall I endure in silence?
That Tuesday evening I lost my mood on Physics. :( I wish I was a Physics genius. Not completing something to do is not meaning that you're lazy, agree? Life is just so hectic sometimes. And I'm afraid that if I don't relax myself I'll be an entangled octopus or whatever that symbolises a chronic mind disorder due to too much alphabets and numbers inside your brain. Whatever.
Wednesday: Stayback. Gerko thingy eh. I am so not complaining.
Thursday: SR pics was really really extremely fun! :D It's been a long time since I hadn't take pics like that with friends. Really hope we can snap more, but back to the main agenda: it was for the school mag, and it was Mr.W's camera, so we had to, ehem, control ourselves. Kehkeh. That reminds me of the post PMR programme last year. I miss the excitement.
Today, Fiday: As usual, I love Fridays because it's the day that I feel most relaxed at school. Although there's Add Maths and Maths, I still find myself not so over - stressed by the surroundings. This sentence sounds no sense at all. What's special about Friday is also because it is GUITAR DAY!!~ and finally go back home at 12.00 noon then here I am now, in front of the PC. That's why I love Fridays!~
New stuff in my mind: I plan to get a new acoustic by the end of this year, a cutaway shaped one. However now I am considering what brand should I choose and how much should I really spend for a good one. I wish RM1000 fall down from the clouds then I would not have to think much and just grab a really branded one. Just kidding. Wishing for stuffs are just ridiculous. I should be more thankful.
End of Post.
Is anyone reading this word by word? I don't think so. xD
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Fun With PhotoScape

Big D2B. Compared to any other Thai artists, I have hundreds of his pictures. Although he's gone, I hope his fans still remember him. Fans who want to save this pic, go ahead.

:) :) :) Handsome + Guitarist + Great character in "Battle of Angels" = enough to make me attracted to Kong Nuvo~
I'm on my way to make more. For a noob like me, PhotoScape is fun. For a pro..hehe, use photoshop instead~
Yesterday was all about talking in front of a bunch of crowd. I love it. Hope it will build up my confidence. I don't just want to be a person who can sing in the bathroom. (get the point?)
I cannot endure in silence.
I must voice this out.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Bio = Biol
*think positive, think positive* - whispering to myself.
To Physics With Love
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Another Quick Update
"Work Party" aka Kerja Kumpulan has just started this morning. I am so not mentally prepared for an early morning task like this. Kasut in the drain? Lols. That was enough to make me laugh.
Not to show off or talk big, but A1 for Add Maths? Yes, finally. (And also for EST, finally). I can't believe it, after a D, then a B, and now an A. Hope it will be consistent after this. Moral of the story: never give up. Improvement will come with time.
Last but not least, I can't believe it's September now. Feels like yesterday I entered this life as a Form 4 student.
*smiles although restless*
one more thing, why on earth did they remove the bumbung thingy?? (nothing to do with you readers), I am just talking to myself.
Monday, August 31, 2009
A Quick Update
Can't believe tomorrow I'll be back to my hectic life. No more sleep at 2am. No more singing and strumming the guitar for the whole day. To cut it short, no more freedom but say hello to a tiring lifestyle. I'm not sure whether I'm prepared to see my results, one thing for sure is I can't wait for my Add Maths results. Sounds crazy. I know.
My target is quite fulfilled this holidays. Able to memorise La-Ong Dao, watched all the Nuvo in Love Concert videos on YouTube, SR job completed, what elese ah? Oh ya, completed something really torturing last night. I mean at 3am.
To Rabiaal: Nice, an update at last ;)
To Zulaikha: Say hello to hostel life again eh? ;) p/s nice haircut :D
To all readers: OH NO~ Back to school tomorrow!!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
It's Thursday..
Proudly stating here that my task for the SR is already complete. I don't want to do it all on the eleventh hour. It was a relaxing task, typing the last two essays was real fun. The reason is, ehem (believe it or not), I typed it while WATCHING Nuvo's concert videos. Yep, WATCHING (and of course listening). How did I do it? I also don't know. When the solo part appeared (Kong's) I shifted my attention. Then back to typing. Hope there won't be any typing errors. If not I'm dead roast meat. xD
I'm ready to add some songs in my mp3 player again. Silly me, I accidentally deleted the "Thai Rock" file. Luckily I still have it here. Fuh~
My Kapok is lying on the bed. That's not the main point. Yesterday I printed out same thai song lyrics with chords. Eg. Soot Soot Pai Lerei, La-Ong Dao etc. Currently learning to play those songs. It's fun, but too bad it sounds terrible. Maybe my guitar is out of tune again. have to check later on.
One word to define my day: Tired. I really want to sit here longer, but I think this is too much. My eyes are tired~ My mission before this holiday ends might not be possible to be accomplished. (To many missions make it impossible). One of it is to master "Leuk Sut Jai" - fingerstyle one. It's too difficult for me. The second one is to understand scales. Still sounds ridiculous. Looks like it's a long way to go.
End of post, keep on rockin' (with Thai songs)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
It's 4 O'Clock, Hullo!
Hey all of you! I have something to share here. This is one piece of superb guitar solo arrangement (or whatever you call it) that you guys must must must hit the play button. This time no kidding. I really love it. The title is "Friends" from Ohm Chatree. Awesome!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
What Title Should I Put Eh?
Probably tomorrow or tonight I'm going to type my own essay. The one that I told you guys in the previous post long long time ago..The silly heart-breaking one. Belive it or not, I shed some tears while reading it. Kah kah.
Uyh, I hear some thunder. Gotta go.
Monday, August 24, 2009
No More Afternoon Entertainment!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
One Sunday Afternoon...
Say goodbye to the old one. :"(
Friday, August 21, 2009
It's Friday!
The gig I told you guys in the previous post wasn't really cool. I mean it was cool, but not so fun as last year. With no Impin around, it feels weird. Last year, whenever they bring their guitars, the will jam together - a specific song, sing together, pretending to have drums and it was really lively. This year they just bring their guitars but don't seem to really play together. It's more less like "you teach me and I teach you" this year. Well, I still think it's a lot more better than the Dahlians who are facing extinction of boys who are musically inclined. I'm not mengutuk, I'm just trying to "compare and contrast".
My fingers must be very happy today. Met with a Santa Cruz, a Fendar (not a spelling error fellas), a semi-acoustic Santa Cruz (waooww..), and the kenalan lama, Kapok. Santa Cruz is Griffin's, semi-acoustic is Harvie's, Fendar is Gareth's and Kapok is Mavrick's. Surprisingly my ear has a chemistry with Gareth's Fendar. It was the right time to compare and contrast - and I finally have to admit the Fendar has the best sound among all. I still can't figure out why. That was the fun part - trying out all of the guitars!
I recorded myself playing a few Thai song on the guitar and singing along last night. No way, I'm totally not going to upload it because it really does sound terrible. Should I blame my Kapok? Or it is just me who's at fault for not playing well? I don't no. No one is here to judge how bad or good I play. I wish I had somone to teach me. Whatever, I'll keep on playing just for fun (eventhough deep inside I dream to play fingerstyle superbly one day). Heehee..
My guitar string (G) needs to be changed in a few months time from now I guess. Yesterday I noticed that it's already pecah but not putus yet. (oh man, not again..)
There's a melodica on my table. I'm figuring out how to play it. But no, I still don't know.
Guess that's all. I'm really in the mood of holidays.
I cannot endure in silence.
I still want a Fender Strat. Please fall from the ceiling. Please.
~talking nonsense again~
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Another Week, More Great Stuffs
So gladly saying my battle in UK II is gonna end TOMORROW. However I'm declaring that today is the end day. (Tomorrow's gonna be Sivik heehee..)
I bought an Mp3 player for myself last Sunday. Go on. Laugh. I'm 16 years old and this is the first time I own an Mp3 player. Must sound weird for Hi-so kids eh. Nonetheless, I thank God for building up my character as me - a person who can really save a ringgit a day until I am able to get this dream of mine. Goodbye precious money in the piggy-bank, say hello to this awesome thingy that will enable me to feed my ears with (ehem) what else? - Thai songs. Now it's time for me to cut it off from my wishlist.
I always remember Madam Yeo's tips on copying History notes. NEVER make yourself feel the burden - switch on the radio. Lols. Radio.
Last Tuesday was probably a big day - my first experience holding a drumstick with my own hands. Man, I can feel the 'feeling' inside. (I'm not talking about Cornetto you guys). Still wondering when on earth am I going to be able to hold a Fender Strat. By the way, thanks a bunch, Dila.
Song Kram Nang Fah (Battle of Angels) is gonna end next Monday, according to my 'prediction' and 'research'. Perfect ending, you guys. Don't worry. (I already have it in my mind, no surprises. YouTube is always there). Perfect timing also - next Monday is holiday!!! It's more fun to watch on tv - that's why I'm happy. :D
Tomorrow seems to be a big day for the guys in my class. There's gonna be a gig. Everyone's talking Guitar, taking Guitar and loving Guitar at the age of 16. I wish I could join them, (but I'm just a girl..) Ehee..I love it when they bring their guitars and show off their talents. It's really something that can push you to practise harder. I'm just awful. Already 4 years befriending a Kapok but still no awesomeness. (Well, there is no judge for awesomeness and attractiveness, right?) So I'll just keep on playing on my own way because I don't have anyone to teach me.
UK II stories - Add Maths, Physics and Chemistry were quite (weirdly) ok. The shocking one was Bio. Surprisingly tough. I'm not expecting much. The others were as normal.
Wow, so many things to say.
I must study for Sivik. Peace and God bless.
Thanks for reading this long and boring entry. Comments are most welcomed.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Weekly Update
There goes another week. I'm supposed to bury my face in my Chemistry notebook right now. Today's paper was BM and Maths. Nothing much to say about those two papers. Huarghh~ I just can't wait for the holidays.
Listening to each others' problems was something so good this week. As the exams get closer, I feel the "1atm" on me. Nah, don't ask me what the heck is "1atm". One thing is for sure, I'm not the only one who is feeling like this. Worrying is just not gonna help us in anything. I'm trying to think optimistically right now. Lalala..
I'm still in the mood of listening to Nuvo's songs. However I'm struggling to control this addiction - at least until the holidays come. Right now I know and realise that I really have to do my best in this UK II.
Thank God that I guess this week has something special about it. I felt like I was given the chance to change my perception about two individuals that I used to hmm.. (not to say hate but more less like that lah). Ok, the point is I used to think that they are a little bit annoying but right now everything has turned around. I like this kind of feeling. A lot more better that hatred feelings.
A verse in one of Nuvo's song, Mai Pen Rai Lerei really caught my attention these past few days.
It is: "pae mai chai reuang yai"
From my own translation, maybe it means:
"to lose is not a big deal" -need to confirm about that later.
The point is, if I lose my battle in this UK II, (I mean if my results are not as expected), ok, let's just face it. It's not a big deal, because Sak Wan Tong Dai Dee and mai wah ja soong, kae nai gor pai teung. Ohoho..
Friday, August 7, 2009
Current Obsession
First, I watched Song Kram Nang Fah (Battle of Angels).
Second, I felt attracted to the pra'ek. (btw pra'ek means hero)
Third, I did some research - what's his name? (oh, ok..Kong Saharat)
4th, I searched through YouTube. (ohh..he's also a singer..)
5th, WHAT? he's a guitarist from a band called Nuvo?
and finally.. I Became A Fan of Nuvo, automatically.
and that's my current obsession.
Man, they are just so awesome. That's what I call real Thai music, better than what we listen to now. The new era of Thai music is just sometimes too K-pop-ally / J-pop-ally inclined. Y'know what I mean. Not to say that the new generation of singers are bad, but for me, I prefer the oldies~ xD
So I haven't told you guys that this band had their first album in 1988. I'm sure you're laughing at me right now. They split in 1993 but reunited in 2001. Last year they released another album, "Love You Never Die"
Back to Kong Saharat again. This dude is awesome. I was flabbergasted the first time I watched their concert videos. He can really play solo. Awesome dude~ The feeling of wanting to own a Fender Strat becomes greater and greater as I watch him play. Man I hope tonight a Fender Strat will fall from the ceiling and land on my bed. xD
If you don't believe in me, please kindly spend 10 minutes on this clip. Kindly hit the "play" button please.. You will be impressed by his talent (and as for me, his style in playing + his charming face as well) -grins-grins-

For you guys who's still wondering who is Kong Saharat. To know more, read my previous post.

Nuvo now and then. (grinning alone in front of the PC)
The songs that I like most from them are:
สุดสุดไปเลย [Soot..soot Pai Lerei], หลับตา (โต๋)[Lap Dtaa], ไม่เป็นไรเลย [Mai Pen Rai Lerei], โง่งมงาย [Ngoh Ngom Ngai] and หลอกกันเล่นเลย
Currently practising หลับตา (โต๋) on the guitar. Planning to make a cover, but I'm afraid I'll screw it all up later on.
I guess that's all for now. Keep on rockin'
and hello August! :)
*So many Malaysian lakorn lovers searching about Song Kram Nang Fah these past few days. Sweet~
Nuvo on Thai wikipedia
Friday, July 24, 2009
Sweet and Sour Week
Thinking of the past just hurts me. I miss my life as a Form 3 student. I miss everything about last year.
What's fun in this class that we're still not lack of guitarists eventhough our 2 great guitarists of all time since in Form 1 has transferred school ( and the other, different class ). This morning we sang together during recess time. I miss stuffs like this. I was awesome, but alas our teacher came in just as we were about to sing the chorus part of the song "Lucky". I would be glad if we really can do that everyday.
I can't figure out anything so special about this week. I missed my journal for 3 days I guess. I just feel so lazy to write about anything. UK II will be next month, I have to prepare for my oral test and also kerja kursus. Life only circulates on books, guitar and the Internet this year.
Man, something is really annoying right now. I don't think I can throw this feeling far away from me in the meantime. Ah, just forget about it.
I am still thinking that Gareth's guitar sounds a lot more better than mine. Haha. I just don't know when am I going to be able to play fingerstyle superbly.
Physics..oh Physics. I'm caught in a dilemma. Someone looks like Yodsaenklai. The class is sometimes so noisy. Someone needs to really make Physics something fun to learn. (I'm starting to say out things that no one can ever understand). Good then. I hope no one understands what I'm trying to say right now.
I cannot endure in silence.
But I have to.
This is just a bunch of crap. I know.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Terrible Sound that Sounds Terrible
Suddenly I thought of visiting an online guitar tuner website just now. The last time I did it was about 6 or 7 months ago, during school holidays. Now I feel dumb. For months I didn't even realise that my guitar is
Friday, July 3, 2009
A Great, Awesome, Superb, Hilarious, Relaxing Week!
Chemistry experiment was cool, also the Bio PEKA we did this morning. I'm glad I'm in the sidang redaksi now. Can't wait to work with the superb team! Class pic is gonna be next week, as promised I'll try to smile broadly. I NEVER smile in class pics. I hope this year's will be awesome. I also started back my journal that I left behind for the past few months. I'm starting to jot down lots of little little things that I see, feel and go through in school. It's always like that - starting from the month of July every year, I'll get some sort of strength (finally!).
I haven't compose my "If" poem that my English teacher asked us to do. Can't get any idea to start with. On my table (and floor) there are piles of books ranging from History to BM, I know their waiting for me. My History notes are still not complete yet, and I have to prepare for the next lisan.
Probably I said that this week is awesome because I felt that class has been so relaxing, some funny incidents, laughed a lot these past few days! Not to forget a very cool experience (that will certainly not to be stated here).
Got to know another ispirational Thai song, Kwahm Cheua by Bodyslam. Currently in the process of memorising. ;) This song is truly ispiring!
Last but not least, say hello to July!
Hullo July! I can feel the awesomeness.
Keep on rockin'
the 3rd minute onwards is truly inspiring. Awesome song.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
At least last week I leart a valuable lesson of the golden rule of involving ourselves with guitars aka being a guitarist whether seriously or not. Now I know the true meaning of the guitarists chant, "Play until your fingers bleed". Two of my fingers really did bled a little. One was because of too much barre-chording, on was because of my own fault for trying to remove the callus. Hah, callus, the best companion of every guitarist.
This is totally because of my effort on playing the song "Foon" (Dust) by Big Ass. Quite superb heart-breaking song. Now I can memorise it. Yay!
Last friday I entered a music shop just for fun, to survey the prices of some branded acousics. I wish I was a hi-so kid. What made me even crazy is when I saw a RED Gibson Les Paul, exactly the same with what Wahn Rachu Surachalas had in Seasons Change. Man, it's beautiful! The price is also beautiful, RM 1 000 ++. :''(
*My chemistry mark is not 61% as mentioned in the earlier post. Hehe. At least A2 :)
~end of post~
Have a great day, readers! :)
Currently leaning to play this song perfectly.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Chin Chinawut !!!!!!!!!!!

More stories and pics next weekend! ;)
My 1st time in my life seeing a hot Thai artiste live! I'm so sakai right now.
Have to iron my uniform.
21st June, here I am to share the story :)
Chin you know him? Man, he's such a cutey. And for that reason I sacrificed a lil bit of my time to see him live! He was here to promote the drama, Love18 and there will be season 2 soon. Can you even believe that the parking space was full? We were pretty late, just about a few minutes past 3pm. There were lots of people! I just couldn't believe my eyes. When I arrived Chin and the rest of the actors (I don't know their name, seriously) was busy singing the Love18 ost. Then as I tried to look for a strategic place so that I could see him clearly (unfortunately I didn't get one), I heard him teaching his fans Thai language. He said he feels great.
i. I wasn't a die-hard fan of Chin / Love.18 drama after all. I couldn't even memorise one of his songs. But honestly I like Chin very badly.
ii. The price will surely burn a big hole in my pocket. I'm not a Hi-so kid.
iii. The OSTs are all in Chinese Language. If it's Thai I'll accept the fact because at least I can understand some words or phrases.
iv.Perhaps it is just not my 'Prom Likit' (Destiny) to be a fan of Chin. Last month I tried to get the Love.18 poster from Epop - I didn't manage to. Then I still didn't get the poster that he threw to the crowd. :"( Huh
But I am really happy to see him live! Seeing a Thai artiste live is such a valuable experience for me. How I wish he could see me yelling "Chan rak ter" that day! Haha.
More pictures that day here.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Hello June!
Reu Doo Tee Dtaek Dtahng aka Seasons Change - Boyd Kosiyabong / Nop Ponchamni
As usual I don't really think anybody has ever try to hit the play button on any of the YouTube videos I've put on this blog. I am so really totally wasting my time. I should really start working out for my Moral folio. Cheh. I am just doing this for the sake of updating my blog. As usual, no school means no stories. School means no free time. So I couldn't really share my school stories here.
Nah, if you really feel down and need to be inspired. I kindly get it from my no. 1 source of Thai music lyrics,
ฤดูที่แตกต่าง (reu-doo tee dtaek dtaang)
หากเปรียบกับชีวิตของคน เมื่อยามสุขล้นจนใจมันยั้งไม่อยู่
haak bpriap gap chee-wit kong kon meua yaam sook lon jon jai man yang mai yoo
If we compare that with our lives, the moments when we're ovewhelming.
ก็คงเปรียบได้กับฤดู คงเป็นฤดูที่แสนสดใส
gor kong bpriap daai gap ri-doo kong bpen ri-doo tee saen sot sai
Are just like the seasons, seasons that would end up very brightly.
แต่ถ้าวันหนึ่งวันไหน ที่ใจเจ็บจนทุกข์ ดั่งพายุที่โหมเข้าใส่
dtae taa wan neung wan nai tee jai jep jon took dang paa yoo tee hom kao sai
But if on one of these days, our hearts are hurt as if storm is coming at you.
บอกกับตัวเองเอาไว้ ความเจ็บต้องมีวันหาย
bok gap dtua eng ao wai kwaam jep dtong mee wan haai
Tell ourselves that the pains will disappear one day.
mai dtaang a-rai tee rao dtong jer took reu-doo
No difference from what we've been witnessing every season.
ot ton way-laa tee fon pram
Just put up with the time when it is drizzling.
yaang noi gor tam hai rao daai hen teung kwaam dtaek dtaang
It at least enables us to see the differences.
เมื่อวันเวลาที่ฝนจาง ฟ้าก็คงสว่างและทำให้เราได้เข้าใจ
meua wan way-laa tee fon jaang faa gor kong sa-waang lae tam hai rao daai kao jai
By the time the rain has subsided, the sky will brighten up and make us realize.
waa man koom kaa kae nai tee fao ror
To what extent it is worthwhile to be awaiting.
เมื่อวันที่ต้องเจ็บช้ำใจ จากความผิดหวังจนใจมันรับไม่ทัน
meua wan tee dtong jep cham jai jaak kwaam pit wang jon jai man rap mai tan
The day when our hearts are broken, from disappointments that we are unable to accept.
เป็นธรรมดาที่เราต้องไหวหวั่น กับวันที่อะไรมันเปลี่ยนไป
bpen tam-ma-daa tee rao dtong wai wan gap wan tee a-rai man bplian bpai
It is normal that we should be anxious, around the time when something has changes.
และถ้าวันหนึ่งวันไหน ที่ใจเจ็บจนทุกข์ ดั่งพายุที่โหมเข้าใส่
lae taa wan neung wan nai tee jai jep jon took dang paa yoo tee hom kao sai
But if on one of these days, our hearts are hurt as if storm is coming at you.
บอกกับตัวเองเอาไว้ ความเจ็บต้องมีวันหาย
bok gap dtua eng ao wai kwaam jep dtong mee wan haai
Tell ourselves that the pains will disappear one day.
mai dtaang a-rai tee rao dtong jer took reu-doo
No difference from what we've been witnessing every season.
ot ton way-laa tee fon pram
Just put up with the time when it is drizzling.
yaang noi gor tam hai rao daai hen teung kwaam dtaek dtaang
It at least enables us to see the differences.
เมื่อวันเวลาที่ฝนจาง ฟ้าก็คงสว่างและทำให้เราได้เข้าใจ
meua wan way-laa tee fon jaang faa gor kong sa-waang lae tam hai rao daai kao jai
By the time the rain has subsided, the sky will brighten up and make us realize.
waa man koom kaa kae nai tee fao ror
To what extent it is worthwhile to be awaiting.
yaa bpai glua way-laa tee faa mai bpen jai
But do not fear when the heaven is not on our side.
yaa bpai kit waa man bpen wan soot taai
And do not think that this is our last day.
naam dtaa tee lai yom mee wan jaang haai
The tears that flow down will dry up one day.
haak mai roo jak jep bpuat gor kong mai seung teung kwaam sook jai
If we have not experienced pain before, we will never actually enjoy happiness.
ot ton way-laa tee fon pram
Just put up with the time when it is drizzling.
yaang noi gor tam hai rao daai hen teung kwaam dtaek dtaang
It at least enables us to see the differences.
เมื่อวันเวลาที่ฝนจาง ฟ้าก็คงสว่างและทำให้เราได้เข้าใจ
meua wan way-laa tee fon jaang faa gor kong sa-waang lae tam hai rao daai kao jai
By the time the rain has subsided, the sky will brighten up and make us realize.
waa man koom kaa kae nai tee fao ror
To what extent it is worthwhile to be awaiting.
waa man koom kaa kae nai tee fao ror
To what extent it is worthwhile to be awaiting.
waa man koom kaa kae nai tee fao ror
To what extent it is worthwhile to be awaiting.
credits to
end of post. keep on rocking with thai songs. ;) and say hello to June!